Chapter 10 - Temptation [18+]

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Aurora's POV

I shudder at the rough statement, but desire shoots through me regardless. Acyn's still cutting off my air slightly, adding to that sweet, pleasured panic that is rushing through my veins, igniting every nerve ending in my body.

The fear excites me.

I whimper, and the sinister smile I get from Kaede makes my knees weak.

"What do you know, little one. You like it." Acyn chuckles darkly behind me, his grip keeping me still like an iron vice. "Of course she does. Our little sick, dirty darling beloved. You're made just for us."

My heart races uncontrollably as I stand there, helpless in their hold. I watch as Kaede takes a couple steps back, and my eyes widen as he pulls his shirt over his head, the moonlight from the window illuminating him only slightly, revealing planes of hard defined muscle and internally my jaw drops.

I'd never seen him undressed at any point in my life, and holy hell I'm soaked from a single glance.

"Baby girl is staring at me like she's starving, Acyn." I hear a chuckle as Acyn releases his hold on me but places his hands at the edge of my tank top and lifts. Over my head it goes, my hair falling lightly down my back, leaving me partially exposed as I'm not wearing a bra. My heartbeat pounds loudly in my ears as I watch Kaede's eyes trail over my exposed skin, before reaching for me and pulling me into him tightly. I gasp at our closeness, my hardened nipples against the taught muscle of his chest.

He grasps my hair, pulling it back to expose my neck. I shiver as his hot tongue travels up my collarbone to my ear, goosebumps rising over my skin. "Will you give in and let us do what we want to you?" Kaede whispers in my ear and I nod, completely dazed.

"Words, little one." He scolds me and I gasp as he tugs on my hair more. "Yes." It comes out as a helpless squeak, but it's still the answer they wanted.

The answer I'd been waiting to give.

Permission to ravage me.

Kaede kisses me again, before trailing kisses down my chest as he kneels in front of me. I realize his intention and I try to close my legs, but it's unsuccessful as his sudden rough grip on my thighs stops any movement. I hear a tsk from behind me. "Bad girl. Didn't he tell you to keep your legs open?" Acyn says from somewhere in the room, but I can't focus as I feel Kaede's fingers lightly hook into the waistband of the silk PJ shorts I'm wearing, bringing them down achingly slow before tossing them aside after I've stepped out of them. I'm not standing in only my underwear, now painstakingly obvious to how wet I am from their touch alone.

"Kaede..." I say softly as he kisses the inside of my thighs, leaving little nips and bites as he continues, warming my skin. "No one's ever touched you?" He asks and I go to shake my head but remember quickly to speak. 'No. Not like this."

"Have you touched yourself?" Acyn says from behind me as I feel his presence again, him trailing his hands up my arms.

"" I falter, my nerves getting the better of me.

"I think we should change that." Acyn states and I gasp as he tightly grasps my hand and slowly brings it down my body and over my underwear covering my pussy. "What do you feel?" He asks and I shudder.

"I'm...I'm wet."

"Very wet, darling. You are completely soaked with your arousal." I feel the blush rush into my cheeks at his statement, but that's only the beginning of the dirty onslaught of words that follows.

"Maybe Kaede should taste you, huh? Make your legs shake until you can't stand anymore? Devour you like the savage he is?" I tilt my head back into Acyn's shoulder and groan softly.

"Yes, please."

The moment the words leave my lips, Kaede brushes my hand aside and immediately licks my covered pussy before pulling my underwear down and off completely. No time is wasted as I feel his tongue plunge into me making me cry out at the foreign but oh so good feeling. Acyn holds me steady, whispering praises in my ear.

"Good girl, you like the feel of his tongue in you, don't you? Should he make you cum?" I groan in response, unable to answer. A swift slap to my breast makes me yelp and pant. "Words."

Fuck. I never thought I'd enjoy this...

"Yes, please make me... Kaede please..." I beg, my body wanting the release. Kaede focuses on my clit, swirling his tongue around the sensitive bundle of nerves, my legs shaking in response the stimulation. Acyn rolls my nipples in between his fingers, helping bring me higher and higher until I explode, crying out as the waves of my orgasm hit me with such force, my legs buckle. Acyn stops my fall, lowering me into Kaede's arms, my back against his chest.

My breathing eventually returns to a somewhat normal pace, and I open my eyes to see Acyn hovering over me. "You took that so well, darling."

"I could eat you all day, little one." Kaede says in my ear, and I shudder, feeling more wetness pooling between my legs. "Can Acyn have a taste?"

I bite my lip. "It's only fair."

A deep chuckle rumbles through his chest and vibrates into my back. "Well listen to her, Acyn. Greedy for more."

"Happy to oblige, darling." Acyn says before he lowers his head to devour me just as Kaede had.


 - enjoy!! Mature chapters will be longer than this one as we get further into the story :)

 - See you in the next one! - vv

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