finally free - julie and the phantoms

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                             ~ gracie's outfit

GRACIE ENTERED THE CAFE/BAR right as the lights dimmed and carrie's voice rang through the speakers.

"♪ whenever i walk in the room ♪ all the focus on me ♪ the way i talk, the way i move ♪ they all want on my team ♪" carrie sang.

gracie joined the sides of her friends, ghosts included, panting, "i am never trusting my siblings again. they told me they were leaving in five every five minutes for a half an hour."

"it's fine. i was just telling julie that you guys came a little too early." flynn rolled her eyes.

"♪ the party don't start till i walk in ♪ i'm stealing all the attention ♪" before gracie knew what was happening, alex was on stage with dirty candy, in the center of the girls.

"♪ don't get me started on mentions ♪" the blonde looked back, meeting eyes with luke who shrugged. she furrowed her brows as she and julie exchanged a glance and turned back to the group.

alex began to copy their movements, snaking his torso like the girls "♪ some may say i sound conceited ♪" he gasped slightly when carrie walked through him, quick to follow the girl, "♪ they don't get the shine that i get ♪" he was nodding along, looking her up and down, "♪ some get jealous ♪ they can't help it ♪ they wish they were me, oh ♪" gracie was bopping her head, swaying her hips lightly. she had a happy smile on her face as she watched alex spin in a circle, his hands in the air.

"you having fun out there?" julie asked the blond when he reappeared beside gracie.

alex cleared his throat, pushing his hair back, "it's not my fault. it's my, um... it's my feet."

julie nodded, "yeah."

alex exhaled, "put me back in, coach." with that, he was back on stage.

gracie sighed wistfully, "man, i wish i was a ghost. if i were you guys," she turned to look up at them, "i'd be up there with alex. he's the only sane one here."

reggie laughed as luke shook his head with an amused smile. gracie grinned up at the brunet and spun back around as carrie sang, "♪ ain't no one as hot as me ♪ stealing looks, it's robbery ♪ everywhere i go, all eyes on me ♪" gracie cheered loudly, earning looks from flynn and julie. alex had jumped up on beat, his body sticking out from the line the girls were in.

carrie giggled, "♪ i only lead, i never follow, follow ♪ i never open cause it's my show my show ♪" gracie was dancing to the song, giggling at the sight of alex taking up the stage during the last couple words.

"♪ don't know if people think i'm shallow shallow ♪" alex picked up the wig's hair making it fly around slightly, "♪ cause all i see is all eyes on me ♪" the song ended with the blond ghost posed with his hands in the air a little from the girls.

gracie cheered again with the crowd, her eyes on alex as carrie thanked them, "making me blush!"

he reappeared beside the girls, earning looks from the ones who could see him. he turned to them, clearing his throat, "hey, um... i was just... i was just doing that for you guys."

"mm-hm. yeah. you can stop smiling now." reggie teased, a smile on his lips.

"i'm not gonna lie. that was... kind of good." julie told flynn and gracie.

"i loved it, personally. that's how all my new songs will be written." gracie said, looking up at luke, "fair warning."

"okay, gracie." he laughed.

"yeah. i forgot why i hate her so much." flynn said, looking over at carrie.

dirty candy walked over, "hi, girls. um, isn't it past your bedtime?" carrie immediately asked in a faux concerned voice.

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