act my age - one direction

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GRACIE HAD A LOT TO DO. for one, she had to figure out if she was going to confess her feelings for a ghost who she'll never see again, and if so, if that should be via song - and if so, which song? she also had to possibly play the orpheum - and wait around to see if they even got the gig or not. and then she had to watch jj, and on top of that? she had a speech due in a week worth half of her english class.

it was very stressful for the girl, and it didn't help that she had a nagging pain in her chest knowing the boys who finally let her shine would leave again. not that she'd admit it, but she was scared that once their bright souls disappeared from her life, so would the light that filled the girl.

her and julie paced in the studio, the brunette talking a mile a minute as she spoke her worries out into the universe while the blonde held her head and tried to focus on one thing. it was kind of hard with julie talking her ear off.

the girls both knew it'd be a little while, they had a sleepover to plan it out with the guys, so it made sense they all woke up early. gracie tried not to think about how the boys... and luke... had seen her sleeping on the couch since she'd fallen asleep while the others were working.

besides, they just left... like five minutes ago.

gracie jumped up onto the couch, jumping in circles.

"what're you doing?" julie asked, cutting herself off from muttering about stupid stupid boys with stupid stupid heads.

gracie let out a breath as she jumped around, "♪ how many nights does it take to count the stars ♪ that's the time it would take to fix my heart ♪" she hummed along, ignoring julie's laughter.

she suddenly stopped and humming a new song, one that made julie raise her brows in amusement, "♪ when i'm fat and old and my kids think i'm a joke ♪ cause i move a little slow when i dance ♪ i can count on you after all that we've been through ♪ cause i know you'll always understand ♪"

julie was in hysterics by then, unable to stop laughing. gracie jumped off the furniture to grab her hands and dance around the room, singing loudly, "♪ i won't act my age, no, i won't act my age ♪ no, i'll still feel the same around you (hey!) ♪"

"you know this song?" gracie asked, spinning julie.

the girl nodded before singing to prove it, "♪ when i'm fat and old and my kids think i'm a joke ♪ cause the stories that i told, i tell again and again ♪ i can count on you after all we got up to ♪ cause i know that you truly understand ♪"

gracie and julie slid their arms down each other's as they danced around the room, beginning to both sing, "♪ i won't act my age, no, i won't act my age ♪ no, i'll still feel the same around you ♪ i won't act my age, no, i won't act my age ♪ no, i'll still feel the same around you (hey!) ♪"

gracie was giggling as she hummed the instrumental, twirling with her hands outstretched. she suddenly jumped, thumping on the ground before singing, "♪ when i can hardly walk and my hair is falling out ♪ we'll stay up til morning ♪ we'll throw the after party, oh, yeah, oh, yeah ♪"

julie and gracie connected hands as they spun around in circles, snapping and shaking their hips while singing, "♪ i won't act my age, no, i won't act my age ♪ no, i'll still feel the same around you ♪ i won't act my age, no, i won't act my age ♪ no, i'll still feel the same, you will too ♪" the girls turned to each other before screaming, "♪ hey! ♪"

the girls continued to dance for a good few minutes until gracie collapsed onto the floor, unable to move anymore. the two panted loudly in silence before breaking out into a fit of giggles. they were just getting over it when the boys poofed into the room.

"oh my gosh!" julie immediately jumped at them, "what took you guys so long? did willie do it?"

gracie scrambled up from the floor to ask, "did you talk to them? did they watch? did they like us? are we playing ?"

"someone answer!" julie shouted as gracie asked, "why's no one talking?"

"woah! that's a lot of questions," reggie commented, "luke, you wanna take this one?"

the boy licked his lips, grinning at the two, "take a seat," gracie immediately sat onto the couch, forcing the nervous julie down beside her. luke put his hands on his knees making gracie get momentarily distracted before she settled her face.

"it's fine. everything's fine." luke told the two.

alex nodded excitedly, "yeah. you should be getting a call right... now!" he pointed at julie's phone that was left on the coffee table. the entire band stared in anticipation, looking up at the blond when nothing happened.

"okay. right... now!" he pointed again and a second later julie's phone lit up with an unknown caller id.

julie and gracie screamed, the latter slapping her friend excitedly as she bounced up onto her knees. a soft silence followed as everyone stared at julie before luke gestured, "go!"

"oh! um..." julie quickly picked up her phone making the group lean in in anticipation, "hello?"

the group was quiet enough to hear, "hi, this is tasha from the orpheum in hollywood." gracie held a hand over her mouth as she bounced on the couch silently, the boys fist bumping.

she asked another question which the band missed, but julie cleared her throat and said, "yes, it is."

gracie pulled herself to her feet, unable to sit anymore when julie's smile brightened, "yeah, totally!"

the girl jumped up onto the couch, beginning to jump just as gracie had been moments before, "thank you so much!"

julie pulled her phone away from her ear to whoop, the boys already celebrating by lifting alex. gracie was laughing, her hands placed over her mouth as julie cheered, "we're playing the orpheum, baby! yeah!"

"yeah! im swimming!" alex laughed from the air. gracie jumped onto the couch to attack julie in a hug, screaming in excitement.

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