stand tall - julie and the phantoms

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                             ~ gracie's outfit

GRACIE HELD HER GUITAR with a confident face, watching from the side stage as julie placed her dahlia onto her keyboard.

"welcome to live at the orpheum. now give it up for julie and the phantoms." cheering and whistling broke into the room. gracie fiddled with her pick, flipping it between her fingers. flynn gently slapped her arm in excitement, unable to stand still with her best friend on the orpheum's stage.

julie sighed lightly, "hi. i'm julie. um..." she inhaled, "tonight, i'd like to dedicate this song to my mom, who's been there with me every time i've played. and thank her for..." she looked up, a sad smile on her face, "not giving up on me."

she pursed her lips for a moment before looking back to the crowd, "i'd also like to dedicate tonight's performance to... three special friends..."

gracie inhaled sharply, her breath catching.

"... who have changed my life completely, who have brought music back to me. it was their dream to play here, and... this is for them. this song is also for a girl who i never imagined i could be friends with," julie looked over at gracie who smiled softly, "she never once doubted me and was there every step of the way, no matter what. she deserves this, and i'm honored to say i'll be performing with her tonight."

gracie chuckled lightly, blowing the girl a kiss.

julie smiled over at her before turning to the audience, "this song is for anyone who's lost their way. step into your greatness. don't give up. stand tall. thank you." applause filled the room as julie looked down at her instrument.

she exhaled slowly causing the microphone's feedback to ring out. she winced before swallowing and gently pressing down on the keys.

"you got this." gracie whispered with a grin, nodding along when julie became more confident in herself.

"♪ don't blink no, i don't want to miss it ♪" gracie watched in amazement as the backdrop showed soft orange sparks, "♪ one thing and it's back to the beginning ♪ cause everything is rushing in fast ♪" the blonde peered around the curtain, smiling at the sight of the crowd swaying, "♪ keep going on, never look back ♪"

"♪ and it's one, two, three, four times ♪ that i'll try for one more night ♪ light a fire in my eyes ♪ i'm going out of my mind ♪" rob handed gracie a mic, nodding to her. the lights shut off for a split second with just the orange sparks flying as light, giving the girl a perfect opportunity to rush onto stage.

the blonde placed the microphone in the stand as she sang, "♪ whatever happens ♪" her voice instantly brought the crowd to cheers, a spotlight being placed on her, "♪ even if i'm the last standing ♪ imma stand tall ♪ imma stand tall ♪" she had her eyes closed as she held the mic, her guitar not needed quite yet. the lights filled the stage again, and gracie took the chance to slowly open her eyes to peer at the audience, "♪ whatever happens even when everything's down ♪ imma stand tall ♪ imma stand tall ♪" the boys never appeared. they missed their cue. gracie glanced back at julie who nodded sharply, urging her to continue.

julie meshed her voice with gracie's a sound that brought the audience to applause once again, "♪ i gotta keep on dreaming ♪ cause i gotta catch that feeling ♪ whatever happens ♪ even if i'm the last standing ♪ imma stand tall ♪ imma stand tall ♪"

suddenly, the sound of drums filled the air and gracie glanced over her shoulder with a disbelieving face at the sight of alex, a pink dress coat on top of an almost completely undone white button down adorning him, playing his instrument with a smile. the two met eyes and a glimmer of hope shone in her green eyes.

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