K. - cigarettes after sex

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GRACIE'S BUSY DAY SEEMED TO collapse in on itself after she got the news of the orpheum. she was so focused on finding the perfect outfit and hair to style that she completely forgot that that was the last day she'd actually ever see the boys.

"i'm scared." gracie whispered softly to julie as the two looked through her mom's things.

julie paused before whispering, "me too."

gracie would never be able to confess her feelings for a ghost, and maybe that was for the best. there was no way for her to know, anyways. and she would never be able to write another song with luke or have another jam sesh with reggie or even gossip one more time with alex. nothing. they were really going to become nothing. for so long gracie had been advocating that the ghosts were still very real despite their alive status, or lack thereof, but after that night, they wouldn't be real. they wouldn't exist at all. she couldn't exactly get her stomach to settle from that thought.

an hour and a half before the performance, gracie and julie walked side-by-side with their performance clothes in dry cleaning bags. they exchanged another sad look before they pushed open the studio doors to brighten their appearance.

"are you ready?" julie asked in a bright tone. the boys exchanged looks of their owns, clutching their stomachs with pained expressions.

gracie's smile deflated, "what's wrong?"

"yeah," alex answered julie before looking at gracie, "we just got rocked pretty hard by one of those jolt things."

gracie's smile fell as unwanted fear swirled in her belly. reggie mumbled, "pretty sure i ghost peed a little."

"but we're fine." luke added quickly, catching gracie's eye.

julie tucked her hair back, a motion that made gracie quirk the smallest of smiles, before saying, "actually, guys, i'm a little nervous."

"luke, uh, can i talk to you for a second?" the brunette asked. gracie gave her a slightly surprised face, trying to suppress it.

luke looked equally as surprised but nodded anyways, walking over to the doors so he and julie could have a bit of privacy. the rest of the band stood by the piano, watching the duo curiously.

"guys, band circle." luke said after a couple seconds.

gracie laid her outfit onto the piano before following reggie and alex to luke and julie. she stood in between the boys while luke stood across from her.

"we don't know what brought us here, but... what we do know is," he glanced between the girls before swallowing and settling his eyes on gracie, "you're a star, gracie." she chuckled with the rest of them.

"and julie you've gotta be some sorta angel." luke added, smiling friendily down at her.

gracie quirked her brow, "some duo we are, eh?" she joked, eyeing the other girl who sent her a face while the boys chuckled again.

"and just because this is our last night together, it doesn't mean we won't be watching you from above...or..." he clicked his tongue at the ground making the band laugh softly, "now let's go rock this show. let's give 'em a night they'll be talking about til the sun comes up."

he caught gracie's eye again and smiled, "legends on three." he placed his hand into the center.

"one." gracie immediately said, hovering her's over his.

he smiled slightly before reggie said, "two," placing his above the girl's.

"three." alex and julie chorused, grinning over at each other before placing their hands in with the other three.

"legends!" the band all cheered, laughing quietly after.

a horn honking made gracie's smile droop. julie spoke, "that's my dad. he's driving us there, so i'll see you guys soon."

"you meeting up with your family there?" reggie asked gracie.

the blonde tucked her hair back as she grabbed her outfit, "um, i don't think my parents can make it."

"what? why?" luke immediately questioned. her eyes flickered down to his outfit. she liked his sweatshirt - almost wished she could have it herself.

he caught her staring, looking down at himself before she shrugged, saying, "life's hard. maybe i should get a helmet."

a slow grin took over reggie's face before he laughed saying, "i understood that one."

she smiled at him before glancing back at luke and following julie to the door.

"call them." luke suddenly said.

julie caught her eye and nodded, walking off without the blonde. gracie turned, "they know about it now. it's their choice to decide between me and my sister. i'm not going to try to persuade them, that makes it sadder."

alex frowned lightly, "jj's going, right?"

gracie nodded, "ray's taking us both... i should go."

luke poofed in front of the garage doors, blocking her path. she sighed, looking into his eye.

he gave her a stern look, one that made her momentarily lose her breath, "call. them. or i'll go knock some sense into them myself. i've learned how to haunt people - i can do it."

"don't haunt my parents." she frowned.

"then call them." he stared into her eyes, his own widening and his lips parting when her green ones landed on his lips and took a long second to move away.

"bye, guys." she smiled at the three lightly before walking through luke to open the door. she clutched a hand to her chest as she walked up to the car, pretending to adjust her shirt when ray saw her.

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