hope ur ok - olivia rodrigo

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"NEVER LET ME DO THAT BEFORE A GIG AGAIN" gracie said, swallowing a big piece of pizza.

flynn turned to her and raised her brows, "what? completely ignore our advice?"

gracie shot her a glare, "no, not let myself eat. i was nervous my stomach would growl half way through the first song."

julie laughed lightly while her dad gave her a concerned look, "why didn't you eat today?"

gracie put her food down, "i was scared i'd throw up."

he frowned, opening the lid to the pizza box, "well, take as many slices as you want."

the blonde's face lit up and she quickly took another, "thank you!"

"i can't say this enough: that was incredible." ray molina told the girls.

flynn nodded with a smile before turning to gracie, "but epic fail on that eye contact thing."

the blonde shoved her lightly, "yeah, well maybe julie shouldn't have left me."

the brunette smiled, "sorry," she didn't look the slightest bit sorry, "but i can't deny the music when it tries to take me places."

gracie nodded, "mhm."

"so how do you do those holograms?" carlos asked.

the girls all exchanged looks before gracie took a large bite of her pizza making julie roll her eyes.

"oh, don't try to understand it, carlos. i don't." ray shrugged.

carlos glanced up at him, "that's because you're old."

the girls made quiet noises of amusement and shock as julie's dad fake laughed, "funny guy. i'd send you to your room, but then who's gonna clean up this mess?"

julie giggled, "don't poke the bear." flynn tutted from beside her whilst gracie smiled fondly.

carlos sighed softly and walked over to the dishwasher to place his things away. ray chuckled and turned to the three teens, "so what are the boys doing right now?"

julie shrugged as gracie swallowed. the brunette answered casually, "hanging out, i guess."

gracie nodded slowly, "or, you know, whatever you do when you're from where they're from - hey, so, what cameras did you use out there?"

julie nodded quickly, "yeah, you set up a few, right?"

ray smiled, "interested in my work?" the girls nodded, "well, uh... i shot with an XF105. that's what i used," all three girls placed their cheeks against their palms, nodding along, "the latest model. it's very good. but the other guys had the wide cameras, that way they could get the whole performance and we can edit it together."

gracie entered her house, calling, "i'm home!" at the lack of a response, she furrowed her brows and entered the living room only to find that and the kitchen empty.

"mom? dad?" she shouted. she sighed softly, pulling out her phone only for her face to drop.

scobell fam

madeleine has to go back early, jj
there's food left over in the fridge.
gracie - can you watch him for the night
and make sure he takes a shower?

i took my hs shirt back

can one of you two confirm you saw your
mother's messages?

electric touch // luke pattersonWhere stories live. Discover now