now or never - sunset curve (julie and the phantoms cast)

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THE DAY WORE ON QUICKLY AND before she knew it, gracie was making her and jj dinner. her father was working late and her mother went out for drinks with a few of her friends, so gracie agreed to set up food for her younger brother and her. her dog, a little golden retriever named ani, sat by her feet waiting for the teen to drop bits and pieces for him to swallow in one bite.

"gracie? how do you do this?" the blonde looked over her shoulder and left the pasta on the stove to walk over to jj. he had his homework sprawled around him at the dining room table with his head in his hands.

she peered over his shoulder, furrowing her eyebrows at the poem he had to analyze. she sighed softly, reading the instructions, "you didn't get notes?" he shook his head no making her frown.

"you know what a metaphor is, right?" he rolled his eyes at her, huffing.

"i'm not an idiot." she rolled her eyes but glossed over his words.

"right, so i see at least two metaphors and... only one simile, just underline those and i'll tell you if they're right." he mimicked her under his breath as she walked back to the kitchen making her roll her eyes again. she was quick to change into pajamas after she got home and catch up on the schoolwork she ignored from that day. soon enough, jj had been dropped off by his best friend's mother after lacrosse practice and she had to start dinner. she offered mac n cheese, or pizza, or any leftovers available, but he declined them all, claiming that he was a growing boy that should be given whatever food he wanted. she didn't have the energy to argue. besides, cooking gave her mind something to focus on instead of her music class and the grade she received of a 68/100.

"what do you want to drink?" she called into the dining room, scooping food into bowls for her brother and her.

"beer!" was his response. she eyed him around the wall and grabbed a lemonade packet to mix into water.

she sat in the living room while she ate since jj sat at the bar top with his phone playing a youtube video. she was listening to music, zoning out while she piled spaghetti into her mouth. ani sat beside her with his chin on her lap, eyeing every noodle.

"gracie!" jj yelled, making the girl jump and spin around. he was holding her phone innocently.

"you're getting spammed." she groaned, dramatically raising herself from the couch to snatch her phone from his hand.

five texts came in from julie making her eyebrows furrow in concern.

"who is it?" he asked, giving ani a meatball.

she scrolled through the messages, confusion warping her mind.

julie molina
heyy gracie
so i know you only said it today but
i need help
PLEASE come over

gracie's mouth was parted as she read the fresh messages over and over again. she suddenly sighed, looking up at jj who waited for her to explain.

"my friend needs help with something, are you okay to be alone for maybe half an hour?" his eyes shined and he nodded quickly.

"yes! yea, i'll lock the door and whatever. ill protect ani, don't worry. you can count on me." she frowned softly before nodding and speeding to the door where she grabbed her house keys and ugg slippers.

"don't forget to lock the door behind me and don't answer it for anybody! i love you!" he shouted the three words back just as she scrambled out of her house. she knew he was only so excited because he could be as loud as he wanted while playing video games, but she didn't care. she was still worried, now for julie and jj.

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