Hide and seek pt. 2

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'Y/N finally found me' I thought. 
My turn to count.
Now she has a few more hiding places because she has covered more land.
I smirked, it wouldn't take me nearly as long  to find her because of the tracking device.
Now dear Reader, you may think it's unfair but hey, I want Y/N to know that she will never get away from me.
I finally finish counting and walk out into the trees.

I heard her run past me so I will start there.
She thinks she is sneaky and will trick me into walking away from her direction.
I know exactly where she is without using the tracking device.
'Silly little Y/N' I chuckle to myself.

I look around strolling,feeling bored.
My darling must be trying to hide.
I feel a little bad about the tracking device but I can't let her go.

I start whistling even though I know she is too far away to hear it. I start to whistle the song Y/N was singing earlier.

She sounded truly angelic. I might have her sing for me again. I would really like that.
My face flushed at the next thought.
'Her voice would sound truly angelic mo-' get your mind out of the gutter Amir.
God, the things she does to me.
I'm not sure if I can let her go in 11 days.

I continue walking through the trees trying to drag the game on.
I had fun finding my doll.
The frustrated look on her face when she couldn't find me did things to me.
I just can't help the thoughts that come to my mind when I think of her.
She found a kitten.
How sweet.
But we can't keep it, I know she would like too but we can't. We just can't.


There was a black cat near the water.
I ran to it.
My father was near the bridge heading back to the house.
He had to gather some wood for the bonfire tonight.
I picked the black cat up and cradled it in my arms.
I stroked it's head and it purred.

"I'm going to name you pickles!" It meowed and I giggled.
It jumped down and started running. I ran after it.
I picked it up again and laughed.

"Pickles! Don't run away! I'm your friend!" Pickles meowed at me.
I smiled down at her. I sat down by the lake and stroked her head until she fell asleep.

We sat there for a half hour until my dad came across the bridge.

"Amir! I told you to come help me with the fire wood. Instead you find a damn cat!" He took pickles from me.

"Dad No!" I cried he threw Pickles into the lake. I tried to grab her out of the lake but he held me back.

"No! Please! She didn't deserve that! She's dying! Please!" I shouted but my dad didn't let go.

I sobbed.
My dad slapped me.
I sobbed and he dragged me back up to the house.
He grabbed the belt and hit me. Hit me so many times.
I layed there, crying. Not crying for me, but crying for pickles.

I layed there until morning.
Sobbing. Sobbing until I couldn't cry anymore.
They say cats have 9 lives right?
Let's hope that wasn't his last. Or maybe I should hope that.
That way pickles wouldn't have to live again.
Life is miserable so I hope she doesn't have to go through 8 more.
God I couldn't imagine living 9 lives.
Unless I met someone special.
A pretty girl that I really loved.
I would do anything for that girl once I met her. I would never let her end up like pickles.

End of flashback

(This POV will be short because we have already been in Amir's POV)

It would bring up the memories. We can't keep it.

"Well I better get back to finding Y/N." I muttered to myself. I am excited to see her. That gives me hope after the memory.

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