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I'm at a party. Marissa is there. It's her party. I get drunk and stumble outside, there's a guy. I look at his face and see it's Amir.

My mouth opens and I try to talk but this doesn't feel dream like. It feels like a memory. A strange feeling of deja-vu washes over me.

I begin vomiting.

"You're good looking even when you are puking, doll." Amir says.

That gives me a creepy feeling when everything goes dark.

I feel a cold feeling on my wrists when I wake up.

"What the...?" I whisper to myself.

I see Amir standing at the end of the bed.

You're finally awake darling." He looks at me.
"I'm not your darling! Where am I? Who are you!?" I say, scared.

Why am I asking who he is? I'm not in control of this dream at all. This has happened before.

The next events are a blur. I remember everything now.

I watch from a distance, Marissa running outside. It looks exactly like where we played hide and seek. Marissa looks exactly like the figure that was chasing me.

All of the sudden, Amir tackles her. And... Oh God. No, no, no. This isn't happening.

I'm frozen in place. He's... Stabbing her. I try to scream but remember I can't do anything to alter the dream. This event, I didn't experience. But it makes sense. That's why Mona wouldn't tell me about Marissa.

Tears drip down my cheeks. I watch Marissa try to fight him off. He's too strong. I try to move. Desperately trying to do anything but I'm frozen. It's almost like I'm just watching, not really there.

I then see a scene of me, laying at the bottom of a hill. There's a big tree branch stabbed right through me. My stomach churns at the sight.

I see Amir rushing to me. "Y-you monster!" I exclaim.

(End of dream)

My eyes begin opening. I immediately jump out of bed. Amir grabs my arm.

"No, no! Let go of me!" I scream.

"Sweetheart, stop it. What happened? What's wrong?" He tries to comfort me in a sweet tone.

"You know! You killed Marissa! You kidnapped me!" I try to get away from him but he tightens his grip.

"What? Sweetheart that's crazy. I've never killed anyone." He looks at me.

"Liar! You're lying and you know it. I remember!" I scream at him.

"Sweetheart, stop this." His tone sounds a little annoyed.

"No! You know what you did! You're a monster!" I continue yelling.

"Sweetheart, I said stop." He sounds agitated.

"No! You know what you did!" I shake in his grasp.

"Last warning, doll~" he glares menacingly.

"No. Let me go, now. You're horrible" tears fall down my cheeks.

"DOLL, I TOLD YOU TO STOP!" He pushes me onto the bed and holds me down.

I flinch in fear. He holds me down and handcuffs me to the head board. He gets on top of me.

"No, Amir, please." I beg.

"Doll, I thinks it's time you learned to hold that pretty mouth of yours." He whispers in my ear.

He kisses my lips. I try to pull away but he doesn't let me. He slips his tongue into the kiss but I bite it. He pulls away.

Meant for each other (Fem reader x yandere bf)Where stories live. Discover now