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Amir's POV

I finally have a clue where Y/N is. I seriously regret taking the tracker off her but it was hurting her. Now it's all working out. I will finally be able to take her back. This makes me smirk.

I look at the picture.

'Y/N looks so beautiful.' I think, 'She is smiling in the picture. She looks genuinely happy. I want her to be happy because of me.' I think.

She will be happy because of me. Sure, I kidnapped her and I am planning to do it again, but she will come around. It was only because I love her. I'm going to give her everything she wants. She'll only need me.

'I should go to the address now!' The idea excites me.

I put on some clothes. A black compression shirt and some dark blue jeans. I go to the mirror and do my hair. My black hair frames my face. I walk to the door and put some shoes on.

'Ready.' I think to myself and walk to the garage.

I take my black keys from my pocket and unlock my car. I open the door and get in the black Mercedes-Benz. I turn the car on and the heater. It's a little cold since it's the middle of November. I turn on the radio and listen to music.

I press the button in my car to open the garage door. I press my foot on the gas. I press the button to shut the garage door and begin the drive to Y/N's friend's house.

I can't put the address into the GPS but I know where the street is. Suddenly, I got a call from the receptionist at my company. Well... My parents' company but it will be mine. I press the answer button.

"Hello?" I say.

"Good morning, Mr. Alderaige!" She says.

"Morning." I mutter. I'm not really a morning person.

"There has been a caller requesting to speak to you. She goes by the name Mona Monroe."

'Mona Monroe? That's the girl that was in Y/N's Instagram post.' I think.

"Does she have a reference code?" I asked.

"No, but she claims to know who Y/N L/N is. I thought maybe you should know." She said.

"Yes, that's information I could use. Thank you." I say.

"That's all I had to tell you. Have a nice day, Mr. Alderaige." She says.

"Thank you." I say and hang up.

Mona Monroe. That could be useful. I continue driving to her house. I listen to the music playing. Music is like an escape for me. It's the only thing I like doing other than Y/N. I mean being with Y/N.

I finally arrived on Mona's street. I look for the house that matches the one in Y/N picture. I hope she hasn't moved. I drive and see two girls walking outside to a car. I look closely and one of them is... Y/N! I speed up a bit and park down the street so that she doesn't see me. I smile at the thought of holding her again.

Am I upset with her for leaving me? Yes. Is she going to face the consequences? Also yes. But they won't be as severe seeing as she got impaled and it was my fault. My face heats up a bit at the thought of her. I missed her so much.

I watch the car pull out of the parking lot. It drives a little fast.

'Damn this friend of Y/N's is not a great driver!' I think.

I follow them. They are driving a little bit before they pull into a shopping complex. It has a Chinese restaurant, A mattress store, A jewelry store, a grocery store, and a Torget. I'm assuming they're going to the Torget.

They get out of the car and go into the Chinese restaurant. I watch as they come out after a few minutes. I step out of the car and stand by it so I can see them better. I am at the end of the parking lot. I wait a few moments and Y/N's friend steps out of the car and walks into the restaurant.

I look and see that Y/N stayed in the car.

'Y/N's friend isn't too smart. Y/N got kidnapped and you are leaving her alone in a parking lot. This would be an easy opportunity to grab her again.' I think,  'But I won't. Any good assassin is patient.' Even though I would never kill Y/N, my training helps me in some situations.

She looks over at me and makes eye contact. That makes me nervous. She scowls and turns back to her phone. I release a breath I didn't realize I was holding in.

Assassins are supposed to be sneaky. I'm not trying to be sneaky. I want her to see me. I want her to know that she can never get away from me.

Her friend walks out with a bag. She opens the door and gets inside. That's all I can see. They pull out of the parking lot and start driving towards the Torget. I follow them.

They park the car right outside and I don't park yet. They step out and walk into Torget. I park 3 spots away from them. I get out and walk into the store.

I see them smelling the candles. I see that Y/N buys a vanilla candle. Once she leaves, I pick up the same one that she put in her basket. I put it in my basket so that she has one at my house when I take her back.

I go to the clothes careful so Y/N isn't close enough to see me up close. I pick out a few outfits for her. I'm not getting pajamas because she can just wear a t shirt of mine and a pair of shorts. She looks pretty in my clothes. She looks pretty in anything, though.

I walk to the checkout line and pay with my credit card. I walk out of the store so that they don't drive away while I'm still in the store.

I go to my car and get in. I set the stuff in the passenger seat. I see Y/N and her friend walk out of the store. Y/N looks at my car and she looks surprised.

'Does she recognize me?' I wonder.

Sorry for another boring chapter! Things are going to get interesting soon. Thank you for reading! If you like the story don't forget to vote!

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