Tricked you!

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Memories flooded through me. I looked into Amir's dark eyes. He looked into my e/c ones.

"I... remember." I stared in disbelief.

"I have loved you ever since then, Y/n. I have looked for you since then. I finally found you."

" No Amir I'm not just going to love you because you are the boy I met 3 years ago." His face shifted. He looked upset.

"Okay, doll~ maybe this will help~" My eyes widened.

He got on top of me and started kissing me.

"God doll~ you don't know how long I have wanted to do this~" He said.

"N-no Amir get off me!" He kissed my lips passionately.

It was as if he hadn't eaten in years. It was the most passionate kiss I had ever felt.

He had one hand on my neck. I tried to squirm out of his grasp. He tightened his grip on my neck so he was choking me. I couldn't breath. He continued kissing me and my vision started to blur.

He finally let go. He started kissing my neck and biting down on it. He sucked and licked different places. He got to one specific place on my neck.

"A- amir~" my eyes widened and my face got hot. He smirked against my skin.

"Found it~" he whispered.
He started kissing and sucking and biting that spot. I was trying to hold my sounds in. I soon couldn't hold them in. He kept attacking that spot. God, it felt like I was in heaven at that moment and not in my kidnappers bed.

He sat up and stared into my eyes. He mumbled some things and all I heard were 'mine' 'doll' and  'forever'.

"Doll~ you said you were hungry. It's cold now, let me go heat it up." He got off of me and went to heat my food up.

The space between my thighs felt sensitive. I tried to rub them together but the feeling wouldn't go away.

'Geez it's pathetic to get this feeling from my kidnapper. I hate him." I rolled my eyes. I wasn't giving up so I closed my eyes and rubbed my thighs together once more.
It wasn't working so I opened my eyes.

Standing there was Amir with wide eyes and his face was as red as a tomato. He blinked.

"Your food is ready, darling." He set the food down in front of me.

"I can't feed myself with handcuffs on!" I said desperately.

He chuckled. "I'll feed you, darling."

"No! I can do it myself." I said.

"I said I'm doing it, doll." He replied with a glare.
"Now say ahh~" he smirked. I didn't open my mouth.

"I said say ahh~ doll~"

He smirked. He reached forward and grabbed my jaw, forcing it open.

"I knew you would come to your senses darling." I glared at him as he put a peice of French toast in my mouth.

'This is delicious!' I thought to myself. I would never tell him that, though.
He smiled. I wondered if he had eaten yet. Once I finished the French toast, he took my plate to the kitchen.

He soon came back and sat on the other side of me on the bed. I looked up at him. He was really handsome. I sighed, if only I was here under different circumstances.

He seemed to notice and looked at me. He smiled.

"You're so beautiful, darling." I blushed.

'Where did that come from?'



"Where did you sleep last night?" He smirked and pointed to where he was sitting.

"Y-you slept in the same bed as me!?" I yelled flustered.

"Of course I did. I have to make sure you don't escape. Would you rather sleep in the basement?"

I glared at him, "No." I muttered

"I thought so, doll."

I looked down and I realized that I was wearing an oversized t- shirt with some basketball shorts.

"Amir, did you change my clothes?"
He smirked, "Well it wasn't Casper the friendly ghost."

"At least Casper is cuter than you!" I joke.

"Yeah well Casper wouldn't kiss you as good as I do!"

"Your kisses weren't even good." I scoffed.

"That's why you were moaning. Amir~ God Amir~ that feels so good~ Amir don't stop~" he teased.

I got flustered. "I don't sound like that!"

"Oh Amir~" he mocked again.

He then started laughing. His laughter is very contagious. I found myself laughing, too.

I fell back and hit my head on the wall because I was laughing so hard.
I stopped laughing because my head felt a little foggy. 

Amir looked at me concerned.

"Y/n are you okay?" I had tears in my eyes.

'sucker' I laughed in my head.

"Amir it hurts." I whined.

"Y/n shhh it's ok just don't go to sleep." He had a worried look on his face. I acted like I was starting to doze off. He grabbed my face.

"Y/n stay awake! I'll go get you some ice!" He leaned in close to my face.

I opened my eyes and yelled, "Tricked you!" I laughed and he looked like he was in disbelief.

He was embarrassed and muttered, "That was not funny."

"It was totally funny!" He glared at me. He looked at me for a little bit and then started laughing again. We laughed together for a while.

"Amir! I'm bored. I want to do something!" I complained.

"Y/n you know we can't go out."

"But Amir!" I whined.

"We could watch a movie." He suggests.

" Okay." He puts a movie on.

We decided to watch scream.

"Is it just me or are both of them hot." I smirk and look at Amir. Amir glares at me. "I'm hotter, doll~"

"pfft as if!" Amir looks a little hurt. I started feeling bad.

"Do you want me to show you how hot I am, doll~ I thought I got my point across earlier~"

I got flustered. "Amir when are you going to let me go home?" His eyes widen.

Do you think he is upset because of your question? Please follow if you are enjoying the book so far! I love you all!

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