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That last chapter tho

??? POV

I watch Marissa chase Y/N. I step out of the car and walk to the tree line. I make sure that nobody can see me. I see someone dash past. 'That must be Y/N's kidnapper.' I think to myself. I don't recognize them. Marissa is trying to chase Y/N but Y/N doesn't know it's her. We are only here to help. I stalk past some trees to get closer to the scene.

I hear Y/N scream again. My brows furrow. 'What is happening? Maybe I should have been the one to catch Y/N.' I just hope everything goes smoothly. Marissa is still chasing Y/N through the hills. I'm waiting here in case Y/N runs back this way. Although I'm not sure that even I could catch her. She is running very fast.

The figure starts to get closer to Marissa.

"Shit!" I whisper to myself.

"Marissa will manage." I mutter. I can't help her. She has a weapon so I'm sure she will be fine. I can't watch the scene unfold anyway.

I feel something climbing on me. I look down to see a little black kitten with green eyes.

"What are you doing out here? You poor thing." I pick it up and stroke it's head. I begin to walk to the car. I set the kitten in the car and crack the window so it can breathe. I shut the door quietly so that the kidnapper doesn't hear that there is a second person here.

I hear a loud thud ring through the area. I dash through the trees.

"Did Marissa catch Y/N?" I run faster. I see Y/N still running up a hill to a clearing in the trees.

I look further down the hill. There is Marissa. The kidnapper is stabbing her. Her beautiful once blonde hair is matted with blood. The grass below her is stained with blood. He is talking but I can't hear it. I feel as if I want to scream! I put my hand over my mouth. I feel tears rushing to my eyes. I can't look away, I'm watching Marissa get brutally murdered by the kidnapper. I can't help her. That would let the kidnapper know that there are two people here. I have to keep moving. Tears are still falling from my eyes as I run. I watch the light slowly leave Marissa's eyes. Tears slide down her face. I felt utterly helpless. I know she died for Y/N, I am also prepared to do so if it comes down to it.

I run on. For Y/N's sake. I am finally at the clearing in the trees. I see Y/N hold her wrist. I'm not sure what's wrong. She keeps running. I watch her suddenly fall. I stand at the top of the hill. She has a tree branch that punctured her leg. I want to help her but I can't. The kidnapper would see me. I sit there and listen to her cry. It's truly heartbreaking to listen to her cry. I decide it's time to run closer to the house. She is bound to end up there. That's when I would take her.

I start to run back to the house. I see the kidnapper run down the hill that Y/N is at the bottom of. I don't want to leave her with him but I have no choice. I keep running. I end up at the spot of Marissa's body. I see the flower patch. I'm way ahead of them. I pick some of the beautiful flowers from the flower patch. I cover her body in them. I kiss her hand and run away. At least she would have some respect in the afterlife. I finally reach the trees by the house.

I sneak into the house. I open the door, it wasn't locked. I hide behind a couch in the living room. 'This house is massive!' I think to myself. I really hope he doesn't catch me. 'I wonder where they are.' I think.

I would assume 15 minutes pass by and I finally hear the door click open. My heart starts to race. I hold my breath. I hear him walk by with Y/N in his arms. I hear which direction he goes. 'This is it!' I think to myself, it is my time to free her. I hear him set her down and go into the bathroom.

I stand up from my hiding place. I walk through the house quietly. I open the bedroom door. 'I don't have long.' I think to myself. I see Y/N with a huge gash in her leg. I quickly but gently pick her up. I steady her in my arms and quickly but quietly walk out of the house.

I dash through the trees for the car. I run like my life depends on it, because it does. I see the car! I set Y/N in the backseat and jump in the drivers seat. I want to go get Marissa's body but I can't. Is start crying silently and start the car. 'At least I made it out with Y/N.' I drive away. I look back at the wound on Y/N's leg. 'Shit she needs to go to the hospital.' I drive quickly to the hospital. She is getting even more bloody by the second.

We finally arrive at the hospital. I roll the window down slightly for the kitten. I open the door and pick Y/N up. I rush into the hospital.

"I need a doctor! Please it's an emergency!"

I exclaim. Some nurses rush to me and put Y/N on a stretcher. I watch as her bloody body gets wheeled back.

"I hope she'll be okay." I whisper to myself. I feel tears coming down my face. Now isn't the time to let it out but I can't help it. I go sit down in a chair and cry. Cry until it feels like I can't anymore.


"Shit! She's gone!" I panic.

She couldn't have gone anywhere and that bitch couldn't have taken her, I killed her! I frantically search my house. I flipped the couch over. 'Nothing!' I'm getting frustrated. How dare she leave me! I fucking promised that I wouldn't let her go. How is this even possible?!

I run outside, I'm going to see if that bitch is still there. I run and run. I finally reach the bridge. I see her body still there. I run closer to it. My eyes widen at the sight.

"There was someone else here." I mutter to myself. How?! How did I not see them?! Who could it have been?! Nobody else was around her except Marissa! I stare at the flowers.

I'm going to Marissa's house. I run back to the house. I go to the garage. I hope in my black Mercedes Benz and drive out. I drive down the driveway, fucking furious. My hands are gripping the steering wheel so hard that my knuckles are turning white.

"I will find you, doll~"

Sorry about the short chapter! The next one will be longer. Thank you for reading! Make sure to follow or vote if you like the story so far!

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