Desire (Sex scene)

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AUTHORS NOTE: Okay guys this is an exciting chapter. It's the spicy scene! There will be more throughout the book but this is the first one with both of our characters. There will be a warning when it starts if you don't want to read it! ⚠️ There will be a mention of SA in this scene. Don't worry, it is not happening.


I scoff as he gets up.

"What's the matter with you?" I ask annoyed.

"I um... Need to go take care of something." His face gets red as he shuffles off.

"Are you... You're bricked up!" I realize and laugh.

"Doll, stop it." He glares.

He walk back over. He crawls on top of me.

"A-Amir! What are you doing?" I ask flustered.

"You're going to help me, darling." He grins.

"Amir I..." I hesitate.

"What is it, doll?" He looks down at me.

"I've never done... It before." I admit, embarrassed.

"Well doll, get ready for the time of your life. I'll be gentle." He whispers.

Start of spicy scene

He kisses my neck and bites down gently. I moan and squirm.

"Oh my doll is so responsive~" he teases.

He continues kissing my neck as he runs his fingers down my body. I moan softly. He moves his fingers under my shirt to my boobs. He rolls my sensitive nipples around in his fingers. I moan in pleasure.

"They're hard for me. You're ready"

He begins to take my clothes off and caress my body. He slips my shirt and bra off and I shiver when the cold air hits my skin.

"So beautiful" he stares.

He takes my panties off and slips them to the floor. I blush.

"Wet already, doll?~" he grins.

"Oh shut up!" I say, flustered.

"Oh I'll shut up once my tongue is deep in your pussy"

My face flushes. He kneels in front of me and spreads my thighs.

"Ready, doll?" He whispers.

I nod as his tongue traces around my entrance. A soft moan escapes my lips. His tongue pushes in and my thighs tighten around him.

"God, you taste so good, doll~" he moans.

His tongue goes faster. Pushing in and out and exploring my insides.

"Amir that feels so good~" I gasp.

He goes faster and I feel a weird feeling approaching.

"You're close, doll~" he moans against my clit.

My walls clench on his tongue. I moan as cum comes out of my entrance. He licks it all up and swallows.

"You're so good for me, doll" he looks up into my eyes.

"Now, lay down and get comfortable."

I lay back on the pillows. He slips a condom on and gets on top of me.

"This is the best part." He whispers in my ears and enters.

"Oh God, Amir~" I moan.

He wraps my legs around his waist and waits for me to adjust.

"Darling, I'm only halfway in." He laughs.

"Geez Amir, how big is it?!"

"Shh don't think about it." He continues to enter.

I moan and gasp as he enters me slowly. I grip the sheets tightly.

"It's 9 inches, doll"


"Shh. It'll feel good"

He pushes it all the way in and I gasp. Tears prick my eyes.

"Doll, we can stop if you want. It's supposed to hurt a little at the beginning."

"No I want this" I look up at him.

He wipes my tears and kisses my cheeks.

"Ready?" He asks. I nod.

He begins thrusting slowly and gentle. My walls clench and he rubs my thighs to relax me. I feel a little relaxed and unclench.

"There we go, doll~"

He begins to go a little faster as I adjust. It starts to feel really good so I let out moans.

"Those sounds are angelic" he whispers.

I moan and he hits a spot.

"Ah!~" I moan loudly.

"Found it~" he hits that spot repeatedly.

I grip the sheets tightly and moan. My head falls back in pleasure.

"You feel so good, doll~" he goes faster.

I feel the feeling building up again.

"I think I'm close again" I moan as I tell him.

He goes deeper and my thighs shake in pleasure.

"I-Im gonna-" I whimper.

"Hold it." He commands.

"I can't~" I whine.

"Hold it, doll" he whispers.

I hold on. I try not to focus on the pleasure so I can hold it. I hold off until I feel his dick twitching inside me.

"Just a little longer doll~" he groans.

I feel it twitching more as his thrusts get sloppy. His dick twitches a lot.

"Release now!"

I cum all over his dick as I feel him release. He sighs in relief and his eyes are glazed over in pleasure. I feel as if I'm dying of pleasure. I lay back on the bed tiredly. He pulls out and throws the full condom away.

"You did so good. Let's get cleaned up."


He carried me into the bathroom and turns the shower on. He walks in still carrying me. He closes the glass door.

"Can you stand?"

He holds my waist as I try to stand. My legs wobble.

"Well I guess that means you won't escape anytime soon." He chuckles.

I glare at his remark as he holds me so I don't fall. He washes my hair and body before washing his own.

"You're so amazing." He whispers.

"Amir, was that your first time?" I look up at him.

His face pales.

"Um... Willingly, yes" he says cautiously.

"Oh Amir..." I whisper and hug him.

"Sweetheart, I'm okay now." He hugs me tightly.

"Let's get out, okay?"

I nod and we get out. He wraps me up in a towel and himself and carries me to the bed. He dries us both off.

Amir changes the sheet because is got dirty with our sex. He puts a clean one on and lays me down. He lays down next to me and cuddles me close.

"I really liked it, Amir"

"Me too, sweetheart."

I get a tingly feeling in my stomach.

'Am I falling for Amir?" I ask in my head.

AUTHORS NOTE: Yayyy the first smut scene! Cheers to the first and many more to come!

Meant for each other (Fem reader x yandere bf)Where stories live. Discover now