Police report

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I lay there next to my mother's corpse. Was she mentally abusive, sure. But still, I didn't want her to die. I see her chest falling and rising. The movements are shallow, but she is still breathing.

It has been hours I think since he locked me down here. If I could un-fuck him, I would. I hate the fact that he was my first time. I lay there crying and shaking. It's cold in the basement and I'm scared.

I hear the door click and footsteps down the stairs. I pretend to be asleep.

"Darling, I know you aren't asleep." He calls to me.

I don't move at all. He walks closer and shakes me. I continue to ignore him.

"Dammit darling, wake up!" He shakes me more until I open my eyes.

I don't say anything. I don't even look at him. My eyes wander to the ground.

"Look at me, darling." He holds my cheek and I move away, "don't be like that."

I don't say a word.

"I bought you food." He sets it in front of me. I stare at the food blankly.

I just stare. My eyes seem to have no life to them. I see him look at me and sigh.

"You can't ignore me forever." He lifts my chin to look at him. He doesn't get the satisfaction of me looking at him because there isn't a hint of emotion in my eyes.

"Eat" he picks up the plate and tries to feed me. I spit it out, "Dammit, doll! Just eat the damn food before I shove it down your throat!" He snaps.

I just stare blankly. I feel so sick to my stomach. How does he expect me to just eat when I've been tied by my mother's body for hours?

I curl up once again and close my eyes.

"Whatever. If you want to come back upstairs and be away from the body, you have to cooperate." He sighs.

"I would rather be around the body than you." I say, my voice carries no emotion.

"Fine! You can stay down here until she completely rots. I don't care." He gets up and leaves the basement.

I am left with my own thoughts. I'm going to try to starve and die. He probably won't let that happen.


It's been a week since Y/N went missing again. Just a week. I am going crazy without her. I can't go back to that house no matter how much I try. Marissa died there. Y/N went through God knows what there. I can't.

I walk into the police station. I go to the front desk.

"I'm Mona Monroe and I would like to present some information about the missing person case. Y/N L/N."

"Fill out this form and the detective will ask you a few questions." The officer hands me a paper and pen.

I take a breath and begin to fill out the paper. I put everything I found out when I went to the house. I describe my surroundings and... Marissa's death.

Tears glide down my cheeks as I fill out the paper. I hope she's okay and that sick bastard is locked away for life.

The detective makes his way over.

"Mona...?" The detective asks. I look up. It's Allison's dad.

"You're Allison's dad!" I say in disbelief.

"Yes. Are you ready to come to the interrogation room?"

"Yes, sir." I get up and follow him to the room.

I sit across from him in a chair. He grabs a paper and sits across from me. I slouch in my chair but remember this is a professional, serious thing. I quickly sit up and look proper.

"Hmm I see" he skim reads the paper I filled out, "it seems you have a lot of useful information, Miss Monroe."

"I um... I went to the house. That's how Y/N escaped the first time."

"Got it."

"Hasn't her mother even reported her missing?!" I outburst.

"Miss Monroe... Between you and I... Y/N's mother was reported missing this morning." His voice grows solemn.

"W-what? Without a trace?"

"Yes." The detective glances at his paper.

"Well, Miss Monroe, where were you this morning?"

"You cannot be accusing me of this!" I get defensive.

"It's a simple question. You knew Y/N escaped and she was living with you. Yet, you didn't take her into the police station."

"She had a head injury... She didn't remember anything about the kidnapping." I sigh.

"Right, right. Then... When did you discover that Y/N was missing?" The detective asks me.

"The next morning. I went to make her breakfast and realized she was gone."

The detective jots some things down on the paper.

"Right, right. Okay. Was she unharmed when she escaped?"

"Obviously not! She had a head injury and she was impaled!"

"No need for the additude, Miss Monroe. I'm simply asking the questions on the paper." He sighs.

"Well I'm not sure how she got impaled. She was in his bed when I found her."

"I have a rather... Personal question." He leans in a little,"Do you know if Y/N and Amir were ever intimate?"

"What?! No!" I scoff.

"Are you sure?" He asks.

"Yes! She would never have sex with that psycho!" I defend her.

He writes some things down.

"Okay, Miss Monroe. Did Y/Ns mother know where she was?"

"I don't think so. They don't have the best relationship so I don't think Y/N contacted her."

"Really? Why's that?" He questions.

"Her mother is a piece of shi- I mean um.. they are just not close."

The detective chuckles. He writes more down.

"Well Miss Monroe, that was helpful. Thank you for coming forward."

I walk out and to my car. I drive home. I listen to her favorite songs. It makes me emotional. I miss her so much.

"I will find you, Y/N. No matter what it takes." I whisper to myself.

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