Prince Charming Is A Toad Afterall

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Sorry it took me a while to upload! :P

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Maisy always liked to be early, she hated to be late anywhere. Even school! I'm the complete opposite, I'm always late everywhere, my friends have got used to it though so its not too bad. In school its a different story, I usually get at least one detention every week or two for being late but I stopped caring about that years ago. Maisy has never got a detention...well not that I know of. Anyway as I was saying, Maisy hates being late so she was about half an hour early for her 'romantic' date so she decided to look for some new clothes in some shops like New Look and Primark, her favourite shops of all time. She spent probably half an hour just looking at clothes, how could she do that without getting bored! Whilst she was window shopping I got really bored so I quickly ran over to the café and got a drink. Yep I had time to run across to the other side of the shopping centre buy a drink and run all the way back and she was about three steps away from where she had been before I got my drink!

When Maisy finally after what seemed fifty years left the shop, it must have been time to meet Charlie because she had a massive grin on her face! I knew that tomorrow Maisy would be begging to go shopping saying that she was looking online and saw some clothes she liked that they had in the shop. Lies, lies, lies. Mum would fall for her lies, like usual and take her shopping. Anyway, Maisy half skipped half walked to Burger King and sat down at the nearest table to the entrance. I hate going to Burger King now, there's way too many memories there. Memories of me and Maisy. Memories I really should block out of my mind. When Maisy sat at the table I went around the counter and sat a few tables behind her making sure that I could see her but she couldn't see me. She waited what seemed like a lifetime before this cocky looking kid that I barely recognised walked up to her and sat opposite her. He hardly spoke to her before he got up and ordered some chips, a burger and a drink. For himself. Not for Maisy but for himself. He then sat down and scoffed his face with chips and the burger and slurped his drink. I could hear him slurping his drink from where I was sat! Then I saw him say something to her and she got up and walked over to the counter, she looked heartbroken! She got some chips and some Tango, her favourite, and walked back over to him. From what I could see they hardly spoke or even looked at each other. Then I don't know what happened but she passed him her mobile and he dialled a number and started talking, he spent a good ten minutes yacking down the phone before he hung up. Then they sat for an awkward ten minutes before this blonde tart like girl pranced in and hugged him! She hugged Charlie on his date with my sister! I nearly went over and punched him, nearly. I think the blonde tarts name was Lilly, ok so this Lilly girl sat next Charlie and they started chatting away, completely ignoring Maisy. They didn't even look at her! After five or ten minutes Maisy stood up and I heard her saying goodbye to Charlie and The Tart, The Tart said goodbye but didn't even look at her and Charlie looked at her for about a second, mumbled something and started talking to Lilly aka The Tart again. He hugged Lilly but not Maisy, and Maisy is meant to be his girlfriend!

Maisy looked at them several times as she walked out, Charlie looked at her once when she looked back, but Lilly pulled him to face her again. I instantly hated them both. Maisy looked so down, I didn't need to see her face, I knew she was upset. I remember running after her when she'd walked out, forget being an agent, Maisy's more important! I found her sat leaning against a shop window, crying her eyes out. I walked up to her and sat next to her, she looked at me and started crying again. Her first heartbreaker.....that I know of. I explained to her that I followed her but it was to make sure something like this wouldn't happen and if it did I would be there for her. When I told her the first bit she punched me hard in the arm, it actually really hurt! She dug her nails in and I still have a tiny scar on my arm! I quite like having the scar though, its something I'll always have, something to remember her by. That probably sounds quite sad doesn't it?

Eventually after Maisy had stopped crying and cleaned herself up in the girls toilets we walked home, we talked about her date. About Charlie and The Tart. Apparently it was really awkward and he just talked about himself. I already guessed that, he seemed like one of those annoying cocky boys. She said he arrived nearly half an hour late! I knew I should have punched him when I could have... I always regretted not punching him. When me and Maisy were walking home it was quite nice just to talk, no play fighting. That was one of the last serious chats I had with her.

We sat on a bench about half way between home and the shopping centre, Maisy seemed really tired after todays events and to be honest the walk home was quite long. It took about twenty minutes, depending on what speed you walk at. When we were sat down she dozed off so being to kind and wonderful brother I was I carried her the rest of the way home, I'll tell you now it wasn't easy! Even though I was quite a bit taller and stronger than her it still puffed me out. Especially the hill before we reached the cottage! Then I realised mum didn't know Maisy had snuck out! It was time for me to become the liar... I didn't like to lie to mum even though I lied to her a lot. I silently unlocked the door and rushed past the living room but I wasn't quick enough, mum woke up. She turned around from the sofa and glared at me. the only excuse I could think of was that Maisy went star gazing whilst she was asleep and she fell asleep in the field so I decided to carry her in. Mum actually fell for and told me to put Maisy straight to bed! It turned out that Maisy wasn't the only good liar in our family.

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