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After me and Jake had found somewhere to sit that wasn't too far, because my legs were still hurting like hell, he started to ask what happened so I told him my whole day. I have to say, he did look pretty shocked. 

Well, I would be too if some kid had tod me that.

After about an hour Jake had to leave, afterall he had been on his way home when he found me. I thanked him for everything and then he walked away. Back to his own life, out of the chaos of mine. I would just be another hospital story he could tell his family, then he'd forget me. I was just another memory to him. For me on the other hand, he meant a lot, he helped me when I most needed it, when nobody else helped me. I didn't think I'd ever forget him. 

At about three o'clock I saw some men in white head towards Maisy's room so I followed them, I waited at the door and listened. They were telling mum that she should go, that they needed to start investigating the murder. When mum heard the word 'murder' she broke down in tears and ran out the room, she flew past me and headed down the corridor. I limped after her and eventually followed her to the toilets, I stood outside the door and told her to come out of The Ladies but I got no reply so I had to go in. Yes, I had to go into the ladies toilets. I shouted her name and knocked on every cubicle door, just in case someone had forgotten to lock the door. Anyway, I got to the end cubicle and I didn't find her so i was just about to walk out to look somewhere else when I heard a quiet sob from one of the middle cubicles. I nudged the cubicle I was guessing mum was in and found her sat on the toilet with her legs tucked up, crying into her legs. She looked so young and scared, she even scared me. She didn't look like my mum anymore, she look like a broken woman that needed help. 

I would have felt more sorry for her but she did blame it all on me earlier and according to her I'm heartless. At the time I felt heartless, I hadn't cried, I hadn't felt very sad either but I thought that was because of the shock. 

I went to hug her and that time she just let me, she didn't hug back, I don't think she wanted me to hug her or be anywhere near her but she didn't have the energy to move me or have an argument again. 

Poor mum.

After about half an hour we walked out to get a cab, not really together. I mean we were together but I think we both felt alone. We found a cab straight away, there were always cabs at the hospital. Good business for them, there were always people that needed a ride. I told him the address then we sat in silence for about ten minutes, I have to say, he was a very fast driver. I kept thinking we were going to crash. As we got out of the cab, the driver said "That will be eleven pounds fifty please.", I'd completely forgotten about money. I asked if I could pay him tomorrow or if I gave him extra if I could pay him another time, so we had an argument and eventually I shouted "Look, my little sister got murdered today, I wasn't thinking about money at the time when I was running to that bloody hospital. So can I give you the money tomorrow please?". He looked very shocked, said he was sorry and not to worry about the money and then drove off.  

Mum walked the road way home, we couldn't go through the field even if we wanted to, the police had marked it off. A crime scene. Mum walked ahead, so I walked alone. By the time I got to the door she'd already gone to bed and all the lights had been turned off. The door was locked, my own mum had locked me out the house. I walked around to the bathroom window and pushed it open, I climbed through and landed with a thump on the hard floor. I saw a light switch on and mum walked in and stared at me, like a zombie. She looked lifeless, more dead than Maisy looked. She walked back out and went back to bed, so I got up and went to bed myself, although I knew it would be a sleepless night for us both. 

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