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Thought I'd write the next part of Poppy Child sooner than the last one...

Hope you like it!


The day after my light-bulb moment I was up and ready for my 'mission'. I wanted to get into Steve's house just as he got up and had breakfast, I figured that he would be eating his breakfast in the kitchen. Giving me the perfect opportunity to sneak in through the window and get into the secret room. In my head I could see myself being like James Bond, ducking and diving, being a spy. Even though I'm quite a clumsy person, I could still see myself dodging gun shots and lasers (Not that there would be any in his house... that would just be weird...even for Steve).

I woke up extra early that morning, it must have been about 5:00 am. I tiptoed around the house, wearing black clothes (to be extra hidden). Just before I left the house I checked on Maisy, I walked over to her bed to make sure she was still ok and whilst I was walking out I tripped on some of her magazines and hit my head on a shelf near the door. It must have knocked me out for at least ten minutes and when I woke up I found myself  lying on the floor, my hands were covered in red liquid and I had a splitting head-ache. Then I felt hands on my arm, I couldn't tell who because my eyes were so blurry, I could see faint figures, then slowly I blacked-out again. The last thing I saw was blood on the hands that were on my arm.

What I'm guessing was a few hours later, I woke up on a hospital bed with Steve staring at me. Out of everyone in the world that could have been at my bed it had to be Steve. Urgh, he seemed to be everywhere! I slowly sat up and looked at my surroundings. It was a blank room, white walls with horrible yellow stains on them, probably from people being sick. The floor was a horrible shade of green with even more brown patches on it. There was one picture on the wall, it was of an old man, probably some sort of king, he looked as blank as the walls. In one corner of the room there was a small sink and a little desk. I'd been in hospitals many times before but I'd never found myself lying in one of the beds wearing the terrible clothing they supply. I'd only been in hospital for a broken arm once or twice and to visit some family. The less said about that the better.

I turned back to face Steve and noticed that he was staring at me. All I said to him was "What are you looking at?" and he replied "A bloody mess". Good old Steve, lovely, honest  Steve.

He was such a jerk.

Then it struck me that Maisy and Mum weren't in the room. I know it took me a while to realise but give me a break, I was unconscious only moments before! Steve must have noticed that I was looking around the room, probably looking a bit confused. he said " Your mum and Maisy have gone to get a drink.. They'll be back in a bit", I simply nodded. I wasn't prepared to waste my breath on that excuse of a human. I lifted my hand and touched my head where shots of pain were going through my body and felt bandages. Then I felt light headed again but I wasn't going to let myself blackout again. 

 My feeble attempts of trying to keep awake failed, I passed out. Again. The moment I woke up I cursed myself for falling asleep and for leaving myself so vulnerable in the incapable hands of Steve. Although this time when I woke up I saw mum and Maisy at the end of the bed and Steve in the corner of the room. As soon as I had opened my eyes mum and Maisy were hugging me! Maisy kept saying "I thought you were going to die! I thought you were going to die!" Poor Maisy. Mum didn't say anything, she just hugged me. The moment would have been perfect if Steve hadn't have been in the corner of the room glaring at us. Did I mention that Steve's eyes were ice blue, they held no emotion, they looked cold and uncaring.  

Another one of Steve's lovely features.

A few hours later after about one hundred blood tests I was allowed to leave the hospital. I had stitching on my head and the doctor said I would have a scar, which I do but its very hard to notice nowadays.

When we got home Steve stayed for a cup of tea and we all sat down in the living room, I would have preferred to go to my room and relax, I was feeling quite exhausted. We all sat down, mum and Steve sharing one sofa, Maisy and I sat on the other sofa, I edged as far away as I could, I really wasn't in the mood for making conversation. Then mum started questioning me about why I was in Maisy's room so early, dressed all in black. I'd already thought of an answer, I knew this question was coming so I spent half an hour thinking of different excuses. The best one I came up with was "I have no idea, I must have been sleep walking.", so that's what I said, mum didn't sound convinced but she let it slip for a while. Mum and Maisy went to clean up the cups, leaving me and Steve alone in the living room.... as soon as they were out of site he leant over so his face was just inches away from mine and whispered "I know you were coming to my house this morning, you can fool your idiot  of a mother but you can't fool me. If I ever see you near my house again I'll call the police, got it?" I felt his hot breath in my ear, it made me shiver, just thinking about it still makes me shiver even though I know he's long gone. I should have told mum what he said but I had no proof, I knew she would believe Steve over me anyway. I didn't even tell Maisy what he said, she wouldn't have believed me either. She seemed to like Steve more and more. Was I really the only one that wasn't fooled by his stupid little act?

Steve's petty little threat didn't frighten me, I needed to find those photos... I had to try and get them the next day, before he had a chance to burn them. I was preparing my stuff for my mission the next day when it struck me that Steve wasn't around our house this evening... He might be burning the photos! I quickly changed clothes and prepared to sneak out...

Attempt number two...

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