Back Down Memory Lane

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Sorry this chapter is quite short! Hope ya like it :)

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For the next few days not a lot happened, everything carried on as normal and Mum never questioned Maisy about 'star gazing'... Mum can be so gullible sometimes. It hard to remember every single detail of year nine and year seven for Maisy, oh yeah! Maisy dumped Charlie and slapped him. Good for her! Sometime that week I remember we had the dentist, I have always hated the dentist but Maisy had a phobia of it! Me and mum always had to drag her, I'll tell you now it wasn't easy! So anyway, we went to school that day but I could tell Maisy was already scared, she was shaking. I don't mean slightly shaking, I mean violently shaking. A few times in primary she had been shaking so badly she got sent home. Poor Maisy. For me, it was a normal day at school, normal boring lessons with the normal boring teachers in the same boring classrooms. That was until my last lesson, I think it was English...Maisy ran in my class room shouting "Jamie!? Where's Jamie!?", she scared the life out of me and interrupted my day dream! I ran over to her and took her out of class. Apparently she had ran out of her class and remembered that I had English today so she ran to English block and searched every classroom until she found me! I knew what was happening to her, she was having one of her panic attacks. She didn't have them often, only when she was really worried or scared. All I could do was calm her down and get her a drink, it was harder than usual to calm her down, her panic attack was really bad. I decided there wasn't much point taking her back to class because she'd probably just have another one so I thought we could skip last lesson and go into town, no one would notice if we were in school or not. The teachers had already done the register and we were probably already in big trouble because both of us walked out of class without asking. At the time I don't think either of us really cared, Maisy was still crying and I was bored of English anyway! 

We walked into town and I bought us some hot chocolate, that cheered Maisy up a lot. She'd always been a hot chocolate lover. I would usually go for Fanta but I fancied a warm drink. By that time Maisy wasn't crying but she did have hiccups, very, very loud ones! That memory has always made me laugh, we were sat there in the café and she was drinking her hot chocolate and suddenly she hiccupped, the loudest hiccup I've ever heard! And because she was drinking she choked on her drink and started having a laughing fit. 

When me and Maisy got home we were met by mum, she didn't look happy. I've only ever seen mum look so disappointed in us once or twice but when we walked in the door was one of those times. She told us to sit on the sofa and not to say a word, then she started giving us a massive lecture about skipping school and told us off and finally she grounded us for two weeks. You see the school did phone her up and told her al about our disruptive behaviour and how we just walked out of class. I knew I wouldn't be able to convince mum to let me out sooner but I knew Maisy could. She always managed to get around mum, I actually asked her how once but she just did her innocent face and said "I don't know what you're talking about!". Lies.

After mum had finally finished her lecture we had to rush to the dentists or we would have missed our appointment, I didn't care whether we went or not so I walked at my own pace. Mum strode ahead through the shopping centre and Maisy clung on to my arm. It had always been that way. Mum always had to bribe Maisy, she usually said she'd buy Maisy three new clothing items from any shop in the shopping centre. It always did the trick, even if she took one hundred years to get there! When we finally sat down waiting for the dentist to call us, Maisy sat there biting her nails, I'm surprised she had any afterwards!

When we finally got called by the dentist Maisy tried to make a run for it! She got up and headed for the door but I was too quick for her. Then I had to drag her up the stairs to his room where mum was waiting for us....not looking happy at all. Although she didn't say anything we could tell she was angry, very angry. Not only did we miss behave but we drew attention to ourselves, showed mum up. At the time Maisy didn't care, she just wanted to leave. It was always like that and I mean always. Anyway, the dentist asked who wanted to go first and it was obvious Maisy didn't, I didn't care and mum just wanted to get it over and done with. Mum went first, she was fine, nothing majorly wrong with her teeth. Then I went up and I don't think there was anything wrong, I think he said that I might need braces soon, I never got them though. Then finally it was Maisy's turn, a few minutes later when the dentist was looking at her back teeth she bit him! Really hard because when he took his glove off there were massive teeth marks on his finger! I saw his other hand in a fist, I actually thought he was going to hit her, he even raised his hand a bit. I swear to god if he had I would have hit him back! It was so funny when she bit him, his face, what a picture. The look, he was so shocked, it was just so funny! I laughed my head off in there, tears rolling down my cheeks, it was so so so funny! That memory will stay with me forever, a day I shall never forget!

We never went back to that dentists again.... Oh well, I never liked it there anyway.

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