Detective Jamie

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Sorry for the swearing, it seemed appropriate for the scene...


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The next morning I found it a struggle to get up, even with my alarm clock beeping in my face, I still had a bad headache from the day before. I'd dreamt about Steve last night, I say dreamt I mean I had a nightmare... I was like a ghost, no one could see me, but I could see them. I saw Maisy sat in her room just about to go to sleep when Steve walked in... he started to say things, horrible things. She started crying, he got angry... very angry. Then he started hitting her, punch after punch and then I woke up. It was horrible, when she was getting beaten up by those bullies was bad enough but beaten up by Steve was just wrong.

Just as the day before, I got up, got dressed and snuck around the house although I didn't go in to check on Maisy, I wasn't risking smashing my head again so I just stuck my head round the door, as expected she was asleep, still deep in her dreams. Again I was the only one awake in the house, my family were always late sleepers, they could sleep until eleven am, unlike me, the latest I would wake up was nine am. Another thing that made me different from my family.

I snuck into the bathroom, opened the window and carefully climbed out, it was easier than I thought although the gap was a bit small. I left a note on my bed saying I'd gone for a walk, just in case mum or Maisy came in my room. I walked through the poppy field, taking my time, I wasn't sure if Steve would be awake, I just hoped he wasn't a late sleeper. I got to Steve's house at about seven thirty am, I knew it was early but I hoped he would be up.

I crawled around his house to his kitchen window and he wasn't there, I then crawled around to his bedroom and saw him there, fast asleep. I was so close to throwing a rock at the window to wake him up, the look on his face would have been priceless. Then I noticed that the bed was massive, and it looked very... ummm... used. Not just by him, it looked like there was someone else there. Oh yeah, did I mention that him and mum were now officially dating... yep, I'd seen them kissing.. more like him eating her face. Eww. But I knew mum had slept at our house, he must have been with someone else in the night! The cheating bastard!

Anyway, I waited outside the house for about an hour when I heard the water pipes gurgling, so I jumped up and ran around to the kitchen window and waited until he was sat eating his breakfast and reading the newspaper. After I was sure he was settled I ran around to his bedroom window, pushed the window up and dived in the window head first. I had always wanted to try it and be like James Bond.... it worked... sort of... I ended up with half my body through the window and my legs dangling on the outside. It was really painful and not as easy as they make it look in the movies. Eventually after a lot of pain I was in the bedroom, that's where I started searching, I looked under the bed, in the bed, on the shelves, under the paint,  even behind the bookshelf! But there was no sign of the photos. I felt like a detective... Looking for the photos, yeah, detective Jamie.

Detective Jamie. I quite like the sound of that. 

I snuck out the bedroom and silently shut the door, I felt like such a spy! I went to the kitchen door to make sure Steve was still eating his breakfast and thankfully he was. I ran over to the 'private' room and silently (ninja style) opened the door, and what I saw was... I cant even put it into words. It was horrifying, weird, disgusting. The room was covered in pictures, the four walls were covered. Two walls were covered in pictures of Maisy, the other two were of me and mum... Then I saw newspaper articles, old ones of when we were little, I was sure we'd never been in the newspaper before. Then I saw a newspaper cut out with big bold lettering saying " LEAH THOMPSON ARRESTED BY POLICE AFTER FOUND DRUG DEALING BY ALICE DEAN" Mum, Alice Dean caught this Leah Thompson drug dealing and told the police and then she was arrested! Surely not, mum isn't a tell tale, no, she couldn't have done that. The newspaper said different though..

Suddenly I heard footsteps, the noise got louder! All I could think was; Shit, he heard you! Shit shit shit! I'm gonna get arrested, crap, crap, crap! I saw a wardrobe in the corner in the corner of the room and rushed over to hide in it, I sat at the bottom, ear against the door, listening to the footsteps. Suddenly I heard the door being slammed open and I could see through a crack in the door of the wardrobe that Steve had a knife in his hand. He looked angry, very angry. He shouted "Jamie if your in here I swear to god this is the last room you'll ever see!" shit, shit, shit he knows I'm in here! He's going to kill me, murder me! I slid further back into the wardrobe and thought to myself Why isn't Narnia real! It would be really useful if I could just disappear right now! He opened the wardrobe door.... with the knife in his hand and I stopped breathing and I think my heart actually stopped beating... If that's even possible. Steve stood next to the wardrobe looking in for what seemed like a lifetime when he slowly moved away, I could see him looking at the walls to see if anything had been stolen, I hadn't touched anything, hopefully making him think that no one was there. Just as he was leaving the room he shouted "Jamie if you are in this house I just wanted to let you know that I'm about to visit your mother and if your not there and your mother doesn't know where you are, I might have to use this knife of mine!"

Once I was sure he was out the room I got out of the wardrobe and noticed that the clothing in it was dresses, tops, skirts and jeans... Not ladies clothes but children's clothes and by the looks of it they belonged to a twelve year old.. Maisy wore that size clothing at the time, that was really creepy. I heard the front door slam and I knew I only had ten minutes to get out the house and back to bed before Steve got to my house. I quickly scribbled down the name of the woman that mum had supposedly put in prison and wrote the date down as well, I was going to visit the library later that day...

I then ran back to the bedroom and climbed back out of the window, he obviously hadn't noticed that the window was open, although just before I stuck my legs out I stuck my head out to see if Steve was hiding around the corner to catch me. Thankfully he wasn't and I quickly climbed out the window and ran across to the poppy field. I could just about see the house when I saw Steve knocking on the door, he was about five seconds from entering my house and finding out that I wasn't home. I had to distract mum before she answered the door! I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and rang home but hid my number and waited for mum to answer. She answered on the second ring and I heard her shouting to Steve "One second Steve!". I put on an accent and started talking rubbish about the phone company, and everytime she tried to talk I would interrupt her. At the same time as doing that I was running up the edge of the field and was about three quarters of the way up of the field when I noticed that mum was at the door talking to Steve and she didn't have the phone in her hand, she must have hung up on me! I then sprinted across the field, climbed through the bathroom window and made a dash for my bedroom.Just as I was running towards my bedroom I heard Steve say "So wheres Jamie this morning?" Mum just said that I was asleep. Then mum, being as polite as she was, offered him a cup of tea. I could hear him walking towards my bedroom, I quickly took my 'spy' clothing off and put some pyjama shorts on and dived into bed. I had literally just touched the mattress when Steve walked in and started shaking me by the shoulders, asking me where I was this morning so I sarcastically answered "Well Steve, this morning I have been sky diving, swimming with sharks and climbed a mountain, ya know the normal." That just seemed to annoy him more, he punched me in the face, I hadn't even realised that it had happened until I could feel my eye swelling up. He then whispered "Be as sarcastic as you want, we both know you were in my house this morning, let that be a warning to you. If you tell your mum about the private room or me punching you, I'll make sure you have that knife inside you. Got it?" he then walked away and shouted as he left my room "Haha Jamie you should really get up and help your mother with some chores!", he seemed so jolly again. It was wrong how quickly he could change his mood..

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