Poppy Girl In The Poppy Field

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Heey everyone!

Hope ya like this chapter sorry its taken me aaaaaagggeees to upload! ;D

Me and Mickey got up early that morning to sneak out before mum saw us, she hadn't seen us that night because she'd been out at the supermarket with Maisy. She left a note saying; 

At the shops with Maisy, might be home late. Mum x. 

We snuck out the house and ran the road way to town, we had less chance of being seen from the house if we went the road way. I wrote a note to mum saying I'd gone out to town to give Mickey some revision books or something like that. We couldn't go very fast because we were both still pretty badly beaten up, although we were better than the day before. We got a few strange stares from people in town but that was to be expected, we did look a bit strange with out cuts and bruises. I tried to make conversation with Mickey but he wasn't with it. The only thing he asked me was "How's Poppy Child then?". Poppy Child was Maisy's nickname, it was because she spent so much time in the poppy field. So now there was Poppy Child and Poppy Dog. Mum started calling her it when she was about eleven and it just stuck and some of my friends over heard Maisy being called it, so they started calling her it as well. On the rare occasion that they spoke to Maisy in school they would say "Hey Poppy Child", she got used to it, she liked the nickname. 

Anyway, I walked Mickey home but decided not to stick around to listen to his parents question him. I was still exhausted and really couldn't be bothered with a lecture. His parents wouldn't let something like that easily be forgotten I knew he'd have to come up with some sort of excuse. If he told the truth he'd be banned from going out for at least a month, he'd ignore them (as usual) and get into even bigger trouble. Mickey was one of those people that doesn't listen to a word his parents say, even if it's for his own good. 

Mickey was always getting into trouble, usually with me.

I started slowly walking home and saw a few familiar faces, I was still getting strange stares from people because of my cuts and bruises but it didn't bother me. I started to pick up my pace a bit because I didn't want to see my friends, I wasn't in a social mood, although I was going to meet them later on but... Plans can change....

I decided to go through the poppy field to get home, I thought Maisy might be sat out there having breakfast or whatever she does out there all day. I walked past Steve's house but it didn't look like anyone was in, that was strange. I thought that maybe he'd found another woman, that maybe he'd leave my mum alone. When I was in his house a week ago his bed did look a bit used, he couldn't have been cheating on mum all that time! 

Anyway I had just begun walking up our poppy field when I saw a lump to the left side of the field, near some bushes. I thought it was Maisy hiding from me, like she did when she was little. So I got walked towards the lump, I would have crawled but that would have been way to painful. As i got closer I knew it was Maisy, but it looked like she was asleep. 

Bless her.

I went over to her to wake her up, I couldn't just leave her on her own, asleep in the poppy field, anything could happen to her, I thought. The closer I got the more i noticed about her... Firstly, she was very pale, even paler than usual, she had something red on her chest, I thought it was ketchup stains... her chest wasn't moving...at all. 

When I noticed the last thing, I started to run, or stagger towards her, I was still limping quite badly. I  suddenly stopped, I realised that the 'ketchup' on her chest was blood, it was coming out, rapidly. My knees gave way, I fell to the ground and hit my head. But I was soon kneeling, checking her pulse, she didn't have one, I checked everywhere for it. I took her top off to see where the blood was coming from, she was wearing a bikini top, she was going to go swimming that morning. There were four holes in her chest, perfectly angled around her heart. None were on her heart, just around it. More blood came out, I ripped her t-shirt in half to try and stop the blood, but it was too late, she didn't have a pulse. I got my mobile out and rang for the police and an ambulance, it had always annoyed me how calm they were. I was screaming down the phone "Help me! My sister....she's been stabbed four times! Please help me! She's dying, I can't feel her pulse!" all they wanted to know was where I was and told me to keep calm. Keep calm! My sister had just been stabbed for gods sake! Then I called mum, I couldn't leave Maisy, mum picked up almost straight away and i started to scream down the phone that Maisy had been stabbed, to come to the bottom of the poppy field. She hung up and a few seconds later I heard the front door slam. I cradled Maisy in my arms and waited for mum, I had tears in my eyes, then mum appeared by my side but she didn't sit down and hug her. She just stood there for about five seconds in shock and then collapsed to the ground, she started crying, properly sobbing. She grabbed Maisy from me and hugged her, then she started screaming "Its all your fault! She's dead, my baby's dead and its all your fault!" 

The next few minutes were a blur, I tried to hug Maisy with mum but mum pushed me away and started shouting at me. Just before the ambulance arrived I grabbed on to mum and Maisy and wouldn't let go, no matter how much mum shouted and pushed. I wasn't ready to leave Maisy, not yet. Then I heard a tiny squeak coming from the bushes, I looked over and saw Poppy Dog hiding. She was there the whole time, she must have been there whilst Maisy was being stabbed. Maybe Poppy Dog hid in the bush to escape the killer, or she herself would have been so brutally murdered. 

 When the ambulance and the police got to Maisy we all knew it was too late, she was gone. I'd never been a relegious person but that day I must ave prayed over a hundred times that it was a horrible, messed up dream. 

It had to be.

The paramedics loaded Maisy into the ambulance in one of those white bags that they put dead bodies in, and told us what we already knew. Mum was still crying and when the paramedics tried to help her stand but her legs wouldn't hold her, she was in too much shock. They invited one of us to ride in the ambulance and one to somehow get to the hospital, I thought this an extremly harsh idea beause they could see we were both in massive shock and we were both heartbroken. Well more than that, we were sadder than words can describe. But because mum was crying and I wasn't they said to me that it would be a better idea if I let my mum in the ambulance and that I somehow get to the hosital, they also said I should get my cuts and bruises checked out as well. I'd completely forgotten about them, I was so lost in my own world of Maisy and the murderer that I forgot about everything else. 

As soon as Maisy was off the ground, the police had put up tape to mark the area off and specialists had already started investigating. At the time I remember thinking that they didn't have much respect for us but now I understand that the sooner they started investigating, the more likely they would find the killer.

The ambulance zoomed off, leaving me alone with the police. The police shoved me out the way and basically ignored me. A few of them had the decency to say "Sorry for your loss" but that was it.

So much for the police caring. 

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