Let The Plan Begin

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The bell rang, the plan had begun.

Me and Mickey jogged to art block and waited in an empty classroom near the exit. After what seemed a lifetime Maisy darted out and ran across the path towards A block and disappeared into the crowd. Me and Mickey silently followed her into A block and knowing Maisy I guessed she would hide by the back entrance of A block, it was a narrow gap that about five people could sit in and not a lot of people went there but I'd seen her there a few times before. Opposite the gap where I thought Maisy would be was B block and I didn't want Maisy to see us....yet. So me and Mickey ran into B block and looked out of the windows, telling the teacher we left something there from our last class, the teacher fell for it and let us have a look so whilst we were 'looking for the thing we lost' I peeped out the window to see Maisy huddled in the corner of her little hideout and a gang of people walking up to her. I nudged Mickey and shouted to the teacher something like "We found it!" and ran out. We walked out next to the gap where Maisy and her bullies were and we pretended to walk past and notice, thankfully one of them was keeping watch and saw us act surprised and then I walked over to Maisy and acted shocked, so did Mickey. The girls and Harry didn't know we even knew Maisy, let alone that I was her brother! Me and Mickey were quite good at drama, we were good at acting which helped us keep our act up! We started asking questions, very calmly at first but they just told us to get lost or they'd do the same to us as they were doing to Maisy. That gave me an idea, I asked them what exactly were they doing to a poor defenceless girl that was younger than them. Harry answered "Teaching her a lesson, not that you should care. What does it matter to you anyway?" I decided to tell them exactly who I was, "What does it matter to me? Oh not a lot, its just that your beating the crap out of my little sister.". That made them shut up. Maisy stood up and ran over to us barely dodging the punch that was aimed at her from Harry. I couldn't believe that he tried to hit her....in front of me and Mickey! I told the horrible girls to go before I made them which made them scamper off. It seemed that the girl with the most make-up was Harry's girlfriend, I could see how they matched. They were both fake, horrible, bullying, stupid looking people.

As for Harry, he wasn't getting off so lightly. He said he was always against hitting women or girls because his dad used to hit his mum. What a load of rubbish, me and Mickey could have beaten the crap out of him but that wasn't my intentions. I wanted to hurt him but also scare him so that he'd never touch her again. I still remember the cold look in his eyes, no emotions whatsoever. Before I knew it I was on the ground with blood coming out of my nose! I hadn't seen it coming, he had a strong punch! He caught me off guard, and before I had to the chance to get him back Mickey lunged at him. Punching him full on in the face, even more blood started coming from his nose. I still wanted to get him for punching me and for hurting Maisy for so long, I stood up and kicked him in the stomach and then bent down and punched him in the face. His cold emotionless eyes filled with pain, it was nice to see. Then I slid onto my knees and whispered to him "You hurt my sister ever again and you won't just have a bloody nose and a few bruises". Then I got up, turned around and started to walk away with Mickey and found Maisy sat crying around the corner. When Maisy ran over to us before our little 'chat' I told Maisy to wait around the corner, I didn't want her to see me and Mickey teaching Harry a lesson.

I made Maisy stand up and look me in the eye and I told her "If they ever hurt you again, and I mean ever you have to tell me and Mickey", she nodded and we walked her over to where her ex-friends were. When they saw her they turned their back on her and ran off so I said that she could hang out with me for the rest of lunch. I told Mickey that he didn't have to stick around but he did anyway. So for the rest of lunch we sat near the art block on a bench and we actually had quite a laugh. We certainly cheered Maisy up!

On the way to our next class I saw those horrible girls which I sent a death glare at and they quickly hurried on. Ha. Then I realised I have a class with my new favourite person - Harry. I really couldn't be bothered to go to my next two classes so I told my mate Charlie to tell the teacher I went home ill so I could avoid another lecture from mum. Again I just walked out of school and no one questioned what I was doing although I did get a few weird stares. I walked into town and grabbed a can of Fanta from the corner shop and sat in the park. Time went really quickly and before I knew it, it was 3:05 and I had told Maisy I would walk home with her! I ran back to school and got to the gates just as the bell went.

I always did wonder why Maisy was late out from every lesson...

After everyone else was out of school Maisy finally hurried out with a sorry look on her face. Apparently the teacher had questioned her why she had a bruise on her neck and she had to make up a long and complicated excuse. I hadn't seen the bruise on her neck, I didn't think mum would be to happy to see it either. So we walked into town and with the leftover money from my bag I bought her a small bottle of foundation and made her put some on to cover the bruise. Mum wasn't likely to notice it, Maisy had done quite a good job of covering it.


Thanks for reading so far!

I'll update soon :D

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