Chapter 2

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15 years later

'Children, lunch is ready, come down' Sybil Branson had prepared a delicious meal for her six children, her mother-in-law and her husband. The Bransons' home was always busy, full of children laughfing and shouting. Eventhough Lady Sybil now had to take care of her home and work as a nurse at the local hospital, she never regreted the decision to marry Tom Branson, not once.

They married at Dubiln. Eventhough Sybil's family never attended the wedding. She didn't miss them any more, not since she left them at the library. Tom's family had become her family, she even called her mother-in-law 'Ma'.

Three of her first children were born in their Dublin flat, but with Sybil pregnant for the forth time, Tom was forced to look for a better job.That way his family and his mother moved to Liverpool and to a larger house.

Twelve feet came rushing down the stairs and sat at the table, ready to eat the delicious meals their mother and grandmother prepared.

It didn't occur to any of them that while every other child they knew had two grandmothers, they only had one. Sybil and Tom had decided not to mention the Crawleys for the time beeing, as Sybil didn't speek nor write letters to any member of her old family any more, they had lost contact long ago.

'Sybbie, come and help me with the food', at her mother's comand, the first of Sybil's six children got up and helped her mother. Sybbie was followed by two years younger, Tommy, Ahren came two years later followed by Moira with a two years difference. Three years later Sybil discovered she was pregnant for the forth time with Saoirse and after a year, with Rose.

'It's very yummy Ma! ' exlaimed five year old Saoirse, delighted by the meal her mother had cooked. Suddenly, the doorbell rang and the six siblings got up and ran to the door.

Tom was waiting at the other side, when the door opened, his sons and daughters threw themselvs at him and huged him.

They entered and Sybil greeted her husband by kissing him deeply. After 15 years of marriage there love was still as strong and pure as the time when they shared a bed for the first time. None of them could imagen a beter and happier life, even if they were no longer in Ireland.

'How was work today?' Sybil asked Tom. 'Exhausting...' replied Tom. Since they moved to Liverpool, Tom had a higher position at the paper he worked in, and therefore more work to do.

All the Branson family sat down and ate their meal. When Sybil got up to clean the table, Mrs Branson, Tom's mother said, 'Darling, let me do this, you go to the livingroom and enjoy with your family. '
'Thank you, Ma' replied Sybil.

When Tom and Sybil apeared at Anna Branson's door, anouncing they were to be maried as soon as posible, Anna couldn't imagine how much she was going to love her daughter-in-law. She thought Sybil was like any other upperclass lady, and that she will go home when she got tired of Tom. As soon as the young couple explained what happend with the Crawleys, and how
Lord grantham didn't want to do anything anymore in the life of her daughter, she accepted her.

As the first granchild came, she greew fond of Tom's wife. Now, they were like mother and daughter. Sybil considered her as her only and true mother.

She was always there for her.

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