Chapter 6

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'Oh my, there you are George, didn't I say you where to stay at our room? I-' Mary was cut off, she didn't find any voice when she looked at Robert's face.

Lord grantham was looking at Sybbie and Tommy, with an open mouth.

Eventualy her voice came back, 'darling, who are this children?' Mary couldn't belive it, the girl she was looking at looked exactly as her youngest sister.

George proudly presented them, 'mama, they helped me get back here when I got lost. This are Sybbie and Tommy Branson. '

'Branson?!' Lord grantham managed to say.'B-but'

Sybbie found out something was wrong and said 'I am very glad to meet you all, but my brother and I must go to fetch our other siblings and go home, our mother must be wating for us.' She and Tommy turned round and started walking towards the door.

They didn't get very far when they were stoped by Lord grantham, 'other siblings? Sybil has had more than two children?'

Robert couldn't belive his youngest daughter, the one used to say she will have no children and live her life, had more than two children. He couldn't belive he was looking at his grandsons eyes and talking talking to them.

So many questions flooded his mind. What is Sybil doing in England? Is she okay? Sybbie cut his thoughts, 'do you know my mother? How do you know her name?' She asked.

Robert couldn't find the strengh to reply, so Mary spoke instead, 'yes darling, we know both of your parents. How many children does Sybil have?'

Mary thought her sister must have three or four children as maximun, so her suprise was even larger than Lord grantham's when Sybbie said 'six, four girls and two boys.' 'Six! My god!' Robert exclaimed.'six...'

'I am very sorry but we really must go.' Said Sybbie. 'I am very pleased have met you George', this was the first time Tommy spoke. Robert and Mary could here the mixture of irish and british accent in his voice.

When both Sybbie and Tommy had gone, Mary got back to her room and explained everything to Matthew. She started to cry and didn't stop for the whole night. She had missed so much in her baby sister's life, and for what? Because she married the man she was in love with?

Robert spend all night thinking of a way to tell his wife that they had six more granchildren. He knew Cora will be destroyed to hear this, she didn't want to live without her baby, but had come to accept it.

Now, she would want to find Sybil, and Robert knew Sybil surely didn't want anything to do with them anymore. They had lost the oportunity to get their youngest daughter back long ago.

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