Chapter 5

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Next day
Liverpool train station

'Lord grantham, I am here to take you and your family to the hotel.' Said the chauffer as he showed Lady Mary and George the car.

At the hotel, they stayed at the best room. Robert, Mary and Matthew had business to do. They asked George to stay at the room, but he decided to go for a walk instead by his own, in a town he didn't know.

Soon, he realised he had got lost, and started panicking. Sybbie and Tommy were walking down the street, they had finished school and were on the way to the primary school to take Arhen and Moira home.

Sybbie had the need to help people, she got that from her mother, so when she saw a lost boy wandering down the streets, she imediately went to help him and dragged her brother towards him.

'Hi, are you lost? Can I help you?' Asked Sybbie.

'Hello, yes, I am lost' replied George 'could you please help me to get back to the Palace Hotel?'

Sybbie's thoughts were confirmed when George named the hotel he was staying in. She had seen the good fabric his clothes was made from, a fabric only rich upperclass could aford. Sybbie didn't like this type of people nor their way of seeing things, but she knew this boy had nothing to do with that. '

Of course, we can help you get there. My name is Sybil Branson, but you can call me Sybbie, and this is my brother Tommy'

'Very pleased to meet you, my name is George Crawley' George liked this children he had just met, he secretly wanted to be like ant other normal kid, and not the heir to Downton.

'It's this way, follow us.' Said Sybbie. George obeyed. They started talking about their lives and found out how different they were.

When they arrived at the hotel, George thanked his new friends and said goodbye, when he saw his mother and grandfather coming towards him, he thought it will be a good idea to introduce his new friends.

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