Chapter 8

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Next day
Downton Abbey

'Welcome home, my lord' Carson greeted Lord grantham and noticed something was wrong.

'Carson, please call everyone into the library, it is urgent' Robert had decided to tell everyone together about Sybil eventhough he knew it will be beter for him to tell it to Cora in private.

Once everyone, including Isobel and Edith's family, were together he started.

'I really don't know how to say this, so I will be direct.' Robert didn't find the words and Cora saw something was not right.

'Robert, are you okay?' Robert was not okay, he knew his wife will break down at the mention of their daughter.

'It's about Sybil' everything went quiet. Every single member of the family thought about her, but didn't dare mention her name in front of Cora.

Cora had so many questions, but not the voice to ask.

'Mary, George and I have seen two of her children. They are called Sybbie and Tommy.' Cora now reacted.


'Calm down love. Sybbie looks just as her mother, she told us they live in Liverpool and are six siblings in total' explained Robert.

'So, I have six more granchildren! Six! And none of them know me! I wasn't there for Sybil when she needed me, and all for your fault. All because you couldn't accepted who she had fallen in love with!'

And with that, she left the room.

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