Chapter 4

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Same day
Downton Sitting Room

Every member of the family was present. Mary, her husband and her father were discusing their business trip to Liverpool.

George was next to two of his cousins, Lady Edith's sons. She had an other boy, a few months old, who always was at home with his nanny.

George had two twin sisters, who were six years old. George didn't know anything about his other aunt, his aunt Sybil who married the chauffer, and didn't know anything about his sixs cousins who were unknown to his whole family. Even to his grandmother who adored her baby Sybil but had lost her long ago.

'Mama, please tell me I can go with you to Liverpool, I am old enough, I want to go some where exciting. Please.' Said George.

'But George.....' Mary was cut off by her husband.

'Come on Mary, let him come, It could be a fun experience.' Argued Matthew.

And with that, George Crawley, future Earl of Grantham, prepared himself for a trip to Liverpool.

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