Chapter 7

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That evening
Branson's home

'Ma, we are here.' Sybbie and Tommy had picked up Arhen and Moira from school and had arrived home.

'Sybbie, you are very late, I started to worry, what happend?' Ask Sybbie because she knew her daughter was very responsible, and that there must be an important reason behind beeing so late.

Sybbie explained she and Tommy had found a lost boy and helped him.

'I am so proud of you my darling' said Sybil while kissing her daughter.

'But Ma, this people knew you.' Sybil was very suprised, but not once thought this people could be her family.

'Well, they must know me from work.' As Sybil worked at the hospital, she met new people every single day.

'No, it looked like they knew you but hadn't seen you in a very long time.' Now Sybil started to worry.

'Do you know this boy's name?' When Sybbie answered 'yes, George Crawley' Sybil went blank.

'Ma? Who are this people?' Sybil couldn't answer. 'Sybbie, who spoke to you?'

'There was an old man who looked like George's granfather and a tall womam with brown eyes and dark hair, who I supose was George's mother.' Sybbie knew her mother knew this people and was hidding something from her.

Sybil just couldn't belive her father and sister had been in Liverpool and had met Sybbie and Tommy. She needed time to think, and she needed Tom.

Sybbie didn't insist any more. When Tom got back, Sybil explained every single thing. Together they decided to tell their children the truth, but to not look for the Crawleys.

With all six children sitting at the living room, Sybil and Tom started their story. Everything was explained detail by detail.

When they finished, Sybbie stood up,'Ma, Da, I don't care if this people are my family. They didn't accept you and that's enough for me to carry on with our normal lives. I don't want to meet this people that didn't want you to be together, I can't call them family. And I think it was very brave of you to leave everything you knew and start a new life for love Ma. I love you so, so much.'

Sybil didn't notice the tear until it droped. All the Bransons huged and decided to carry on and to forget the Crawleys.

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