I'm in

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'God where did she go? Did that wretched girl get to her already? No. No she couldn't have.'

I suddenly look down at my wrist and remember the tracking device.

'She stopped running. That's odd.' I think to myself.

'Did she see me kill Marissa?' My face pales at the thought.

They were best friends. I would prefer that Y/N didn't know that her best friend tried to kill her.

She would be devastated.
But then again, that might prove to her that I'm the only person that truly loves her.

I get past the clearing of the trees. The device says that I am near her.

'Why don't I see her?' She couldn't have taken the device off, so why is she not moving.

She couldn't have been dead.

Then another realization hit me, 'What if there were two people here?'  My face paled at the thought of Y/N being dead.

No, she isn't dead. I won't let her die.
Not like this. These thoughts cause me to run faster.

I am nearing a hill and I still don't see her. The device says that I am really close to her. 

'Maybe she ran down the hill to try to hide?' I'm sure I'll find her.

I look down the hill and I don't see her.

'Maybe she is hiding.' I run down the hill to find her.
My face pales and my eyes widen. 'What happened to you, sweetheart?' How did I let this happen?

I go to her and pick her up.
'Shit! How could I forget to turn the electricity prongs off!? I knew she was running from something! God, it's my fault that she fell down the hill.'

I take the device off carefully so that I don't hurt her burnt wrist.

Her beautiful face has a pained look on it. She looks like she's dead.
I lean in to try to feel a pulse.
I can only feel a very faint one.

'She's dying.' I won't let that happen. I will never let that happen.

I start running up the hill with Y/N in my arms.
She's not going to die. I'll take care of her! But then I noticed something trailing down my clothes. 'Blood.'

I inspect the place that it started dripping down.
Sure enough, there was a huge stab would in Y/N's leg.
I have to move faster but still be gentle with her. I see the lake and the opening in the trees.
I'm almost there!

I rush past the bridge and through the forest. The house comes into my line of vision. I dash through the rest of the trees.
I have finally reached the house!

I run into the house and lay Y/N on the bed. I lean down to hear a pulse but, it is getting weaker and weaker.

I quickly run to the bathroom to grab some gloves.I also grab a needle and some thread along with some scissors. I grab alcohol to sterilize the wound and tweezers. I rush back into the room where Y/N is to finish the procedure.

'She's gone!' My eyes widen at the realization that she isn't on the bed anymore. I throw the supplies down and rush out the bedroom.

??? POV
(This POV starts the day after the party.)

There are rumors going around that Y/N went missing after the party.
I tried to call her phone but it only rang.

'God this is frustrating! Maybe she just ran away?' I had hoped that was the case.
I hope nothing bad has happened to her.

Meant for each other (Fem reader x yandere bf)Where stories live. Discover now