Chapter Six

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Nicole's POV~ {theoriginalablott }
It's finally the weekend! Oh how long I have waited for this day. A nice day out to maccies with Emma and Eleanor.

Something different. I haven't seen much of Emma this week. She's made all new friends. 'Matthew'. I've seen the way he looks at her. I've seen the way that her face lights up every time he walks in the room. Matthew doesn't really talk to me much. Or Eleanor. Just Emma. What would their ship name be?
Ooh! Emmthew! Or what about Mattma!

And Eleanor. She's been different lately. Distant. Even more than usual. I never see her anymore. And when I do all she does is sit there, quietly. Like a mouse. I really want to know what's going on, but she won't let me in. She won't let anyone in. It kills me to know that she may be hurting inside. I mean, I know that she's getting teased. By Christina. Ugh, I hate that girl so much. She thinks that she's so perfect. With her gorgeous blonde hair, her perfectly shaped eyebrows (she obviously gets them waxed) and her perfect outfit. Not to mention her fancy bags. Not practical for school AT ALL!

Wow, that makes me sound like a nerd. I'm not (not that there's anything wrong with nerds!).
Nerd (adjective: nerdy) is a descriptive term, often used pejoratively, indicating that a person is overly intellectual, obsessive, or lacking social skills.
Go smart people!
I am smart though. Just not nerd smart. I have copper hair (my hair shade is weird) and hazel brown eyes. Not to mention the fact that I'm really tall. Like freakishly tall. I don't like my height all that much. I can't wear heels and it just makes my stomach look rounder.

People think that being tall means that your stomach is flatter because it stretches your stomach out or something. Not! It just makes your stomach rounder and makes you look fatter.

I had to pick Eleanor up in my car. Emma said that she would meet us there. But I thought that we would get a drive-thru and then eat it in the car. Just like the good old days. Im gonna text Emma and see what she wants to do. I get out my phone and look through my contacts for 'The Pentagon'. Me and Eleanor call her the pentagon because it sounds like Pentatonix. And we all know that Emma is obsessed with Pentatonix...... It's a long story.

If you were wondering, I'm currently sat on my bed right now. Waiting until it comes to 12:30, when I have to go pick Eleanor up. Only 30 more minutes! When I eventually find 'The Pentagon', I type her a text:
So, wats going on wiv Maccies? Am I meeting u there wiv Eleanor? I can pik u up if u want! We can hav maccies in the car park, just like the good ol' days!

The Pentagon: Sure! I was thinking of just meeting u there and we going in but that's fine by me!

K c u there then!

When 12:30 finally ticked by, I went round to pick Emma and Eleanor up.

"You both good to go then? Fasten your seat belts and get your hearts ready cos were about to go on a ride of a lifetime" I attempted (I never said that it worked) to do a different accent as I sped off down the road. I don't even know what it was myself. So I don't know how it sounded outside my head.
"Nicole, sweetie. I love you and all. I'm sure that you know that. But you just can't do a Californian accent. Or whatever you tried to do anyway. I'm sorry....." Emma reassured me with her mom voice.

I could see the queue of cars from when I pulled into the complex. Why does McDonalds have to be always so busy? I mean I get what's so nice about it. The gorgeous taste of the salt from the fries. The succulentness of the chicken. My stomach rumbled with hunger. I nearly forgot, I got so carried away with having fun, I can't eat McDonalds. It's so fatty. Ugh and the calories!

But, surely Emma and Eleanor will notice. Maybe..... I've got an idea. I can still eat my McDonalds. But it won't matter. None of it will. And nobody will know!

It was finally our turn at the drive-thru. I told the guy at the window what I wanted:
"Hi, can I please have a happy meal with a Vanilla milkshake?" The guys face twisted into confusion.
"Okay...... Can I get you anything else?" I felt like saying to him 'Yes, I am a sixteen year old girl! And yes I do want a happy meal!' God, some people can be so judgemental sometimes!
"Yeah, can I get the same please but with a chocolate chip iced frappe?" Eleanor told him, she didn't order her usual quarter pounder...
"Yep? And would you like anything?" He was obviously referring to Emma.
He didn't give Eleanor a weird look. Why did he give me one? I don't like this guy......
"Yeah please. Can I get a Big Mac with a chocolate milkshake?" Again he didn't give her a weird look! I seriously dislike this guy..... Whatever his name is. Oh wait it's Paul. Suits him.

We payed and made our way over to the car park where we sat and talked about random things. Like that one time Eleanor walked through the mall in her slippers and everyone stared at us while we shopped. Or that other time that Emma spilled her milkshake all over the guy that she fancied. But those were before everything happened. Before we all started to drift away.

When I got home, I could feel the contents of my stomach, that horrible McDonalds. Feel it making my weight increase. I had to do something about it. I had to at least get rid of it.

I went over to the toilet. If I'm gonna do this properly, I at least have to do it in private. I closed the bathroom door, making sure that I lock it. No one can know about this. No one will know about this. Not Emma, not Eleanor. And definitely not my mom or dad.

I took deep breaths. It's ok, I can do this. I stuck two of my fingers carefully down into to my mouth and down my throat. Letting the McDonalds spill into the toilet before me.

Authors note
So...... Hi, Hello. Haven't seen you in a while! How are you doing?

Ok. I'm sorry. None of us have uploaded a chappy in a while. It's all my fault. Emma and Eleanor were both waiting on me. But I've been so busy. School work. That's gonna be my main excuse. Definitely.

I was a bit reluctant on whether to put the last part in. If it's a bit extreme. I just want people to know that you shouldn't do what Nicole did. It's not a good thing to do. It's life threatening. And I hope that nobody reading this does it.

So i do hope you enjoy this chapter. It's a bit of a longer one. I had a lot of ideas.

Thanks for reading,

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