Basic Information (All Three Of Us)

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Hi, my name is Emma. I'll be your writer for this chapter! This book is being shared out between, me and my two other friends who you can follow right now, I'll quickly leave their links below, along with mine:

Emma: @RandomPentaholic
Nicole: @theoriginalablott
Eleanor: @ekmills

So those are our links, we all have our separate stories and what-not. The description of us in the story description is actually exactly like us in real life, I'm a die-hard Pentaholic and I'm proud.

So my stories are about PTX...

Firstly, starring as Emma in this story is the amazing Maia Mitchell, she's beautiful and I love her, she's one of my favorite actresses, so that's why I wanted her to represent me, if that makes sense.

Secondly, starring as Nicole in this story is the talented, the wonderful, Zendaya Coleman, she's a really good actress and an all round pretty person, so that's why I chose her to take on the role of Nicole, you're welcome Nicole.

And lastly, starring as Eleanor in this story is Sabrina Carpenter, I saw her once in Girl Meets World and she's amazing, she's considered underrated and I find that kind of mean, she doesn't deserve to be underestimated, so I wanted her to become part of our little story.

By the way, a little note, if you, by any chance, come across a grammar mistake or missing punctuation, it's probably Eleanor or Nicole writing that chapter, comment near the mistake and I will clear it up ASAP! I hate that so I make sure I don't do it. It's one of my pet peeves.

By the way, you might also become so warmed up to this story and us as individuals that you already know which person is writing the chapter.

You see, I, as a die-hard Pentaholic, use a lot of SUP3RFRUIT language, if you don't know who SUP3RFRUIT are, I definitely recommend for you to check out there channel, it is Scott and Mitch (of Pentatonix) messing around in front of a camera and they're amazingly funny and they upload a new video every Tuesday, so make sure to check them out.

Nicole, as a straight-A student in real life, will use a lot of high-level vocabulary, even I can't keep up with that stuff. If you're unsure of what a word means, just comment and I'm pretty sure Nicole would help you figure out, the basic gist of what she's trying to say.

Eleanor, will use a lot of weird scenarios and weird remarks, it's kind of creative, she has such a big brain in such a small body when I have a big brain, it's just that 50% of my knowledge is PTX lyrics, 49% is SUP3RFRUIT sayings and that little 1% over there, is my general knowledge.

Also, I'm making sure to tell the girls to introduce themselves before they start writing the chapter, like I did at the top there, just to clarify who's perspective it'll be in.


Hope you have fun reading this story, it's my first ever shared-story, so I'm excited to see what the reaction is.

Goodbye and enjoy,


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