Chapter Nine

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{Eleanor's P.O.V.}


No. It wasn't some slut threatening to beat my face in.

No. It wasn't some saddo teacher yelling at me for 'being rude' or whatever.

And it definitely wasn't my mother finally being told I'm being stalked by the clicks.

But it was Nicole. And she's pretty scary when she's angry.

Emma looked startled by Nicole's fiery attitude. "Nicole, like, CHILL! It wasn't my fault!"

"Emma, I told you, I told you not to go off with those creeps!" Nicole screamed, red in the face. Betrayal is one thing she despises.

Emma clocked on, figured out what Nicole meant. "Ew, those girls? How dare you? As if I would be caught within 10 feet of them!!!"

"Then please explain to me HOW IN HELL YOU GOT SUSPENDED."

"Headteacher claims I pushed a girl." Nicole stood casually against the wall, a disapproving, disbelieving, dis-everything look on her face.
"Believe me, Nicole, I didn't touch her. If I had, she'd be dead." Emma added for effect. I couldn't help but snigger. I'd been curled up on the bed, head in my hands. The argument had been reminding me some pretty horrific scenes from before my parents split up. I was young. Nine...I think. I got over it.

We stayed silent for a few moments, varying forms of eye contact being thrown around the triangle. It was Emma who started it. The giggling, I mean. I don't know how, but within minutes my flashbacks left and Nicole decided to relax and well, Emma just had to be Emma, and we were rolling on the floor laughing out loud.
ROFLOL, I decide to call it.

"So you seriously got suspended because of Klutzy Christina's failing relationship with heels?" Nicole said.

"As only I could!" Emma snorted.

"God, your parents will be sooooo angry with you!" I mock.

"With me?"

Nicole gives her another 'what the hell' look. "Erm, duh! Like they're actually gonna believe your story over Hesketh's. Even if his daughter was involved. He'll probably tell your dad you tried to take out Christina's eyeballs with a fork."

Emma thinks for a moment. "That does sound a bit more realistic."

"At least you get a few days off school," I remind her, because she's looking a little grim.

Nicole yanks herself from the carpet and argues, "But she'll miss a load of important stuff! It's exams in a few weeks, that Christina girl is totally gonna get you an F!"

"Like she cares!" I laugh, gesturing towards Emma's lazy expression. "Don't worry Emma, I'm sure Matthew'll skip school for you. And a few of your other friends."

"Don't even think about it Eleanor!" Nicole warns.

"Meh, I don't need school! I'm already so damn smart!"

"Shut your over-sized heads! Come on, I got some lemonade ice-pops in the freezer!"

The two of them skip out of the room, but I take a moment to enjoy the cool air from the fan that is now completely devoted to me. It feels like 100°C outside, I can literally taste the heat. A couple of the bullies have been skipping school to go flaunt their bikini bodies down at the beach, so it's been a relaxing week. I've loosened up a little, had some fun, enjoyed the sun instead of avoiding it. I've been round at the girls' houses all week. Just like the old times.

I'm about to head down to the kitchen when my familiar ringtone makes itself heard. I scramble through junk in my bag and discover it right at the bottom. Of course.
I'm the only girl in my year without an iPhone. But I have hope because my ancient Nokia is hopelessly broken. This is the first time I've known for sure it's still alive all week.
I glance at the icon telling me I have 17 unread text messages and 14 missed calls. At least that gives me something to do this evening.
I click answer, even though I don't recognise the number.

"Um, hello?" I chirp, as cheerful as possible for a psychopath. All I hear on the other end of the line is gossiping teens and the sound of waves engulfing rocks.

"Oh! I think we got her!" someone squeals, and then there's cheering.

"Okaaay...who is this?" I request, not really expecting just one answer. And I was right, in a way. I get no answer. The stranger hangs up.

I throw my phone onto the bed beside me, running through all the possible identities of the mystery caller in my head. I don't think it was a wrong number. I don't think it was a friend. I don't think it was a good idea to pick up the phone.


A text. From the same number.

BLEEPEEDEEP. Go to hell!

BLEEPEEDEEP. Just kill yourself b!tch

BLEEPEEDEEP. You're so fat. I'll see ur grave in McDonalds.

The messages don't stop pouring in. I can't help myself. I flip my phone on silent, and rock back and forth in the middle of the floor looking utterly depressed.
The girls come bounding up the stairs, multiple ice lollies clasped in their fists. Well, mainly Emma's. Nicole's looking at hers like it's about to kill her.

They see me, and their cheery expression turn concerned and confused

"Eleanor, you okay?"

Ellie! Ellie please, talk to me!" Emma puts her arm round me. So does Nicole. But both of them are an entire foot taller than I am so it's far too awkward.

Because it's the 21st century, I try my look with a weird excuse. "Damn I wish I had an iPhone."
It actually works.

They laugh, and Emma hands me one of her 7 assorted ice lollies. Coca Cola. Pleasant.

I spend the rest of the afternoon with my friends, supposedly having fun complaining about stuff. But I don't think either of them understand true sadness; I'm glad they don't.

All I can think about is that the bullies have my number.
They can torture me any time, any place, as long as I have phone.
All I can think about is that someone has given the bullies my number.

And it can only be a friend.
A/N: Just when you though I was actually becoming a NICE, HAPPY person!!!

So, not much to put in this author's note. Just totally touched that you've decided to read this far into the book! I know we kinda swung into the action a little too quickly, but we just didn't want you to get bored!

Sorry for kinda muddling up the order in which we write each chapter. It is confusing! Just don't
blame it on the others though-my fault. Sorry.

Btw, ROFLOL is my thing. You can use it if you like. Just don't use ROFLOLCYOLO (Rolling On Floor Laughing Out Loud 'Cos You Only Live Once). I'm super proud of it.
Although Nicole thinks it's weird.

That's all I gotta say really.


See you later alligator!
Eleanor ❤️💛💚💙💜💖

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