The dance

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Flame's P.O.V

           "What do you think the dance is going to look like?" Victoria asked me.

Victoria had come over to my house to get ready with me, and also to help me get ready since I don't really know how.

"Halloween-like and spooky, I guess." I replied, my breath slightly hitching at the end as she tightened the dress.

"You're probably right." she sighed.

"OK, I finished tightening your dress, now time for make up." Victoria informed me.

"No! No makeup," I quickly replied waving my hands around. "Please."

"Aww," she pouted. "But why?"

"I hate make up," I whispered. "'It disgusts me."

"Fine, then just put your necklace on." she sighed handing me a fancy chain with a crimson red ruby in the shape of a heart hanging on it before putting her necklace on, which is almost the same as mine but the ruby-like charm is purple, not red.

After I put my necklace on I went into my bathroom and put on 'fake' vampire teeth.

            "Wow, I'm speechless, you look amazing." Romano, who is wearing a white tuxedo shirt, gloves, and blue jeans, with fake blood stains all over, and fake vampire teeth, breathed staring at me in my black and red dress.

"Thanks, I could say the same to you too, il mio amato," I said smiling and blushing in return (my beloved).

               When we got to the dance and walked into the dark entrance there were phony leafless trees covered in glowing artificial spider webs and a dirt-like flooring with thick grayish white fog covering it. Romano and I walked through the small maze of plastic trees hand in hand, kicking up the fog. The tables were covered in spider webs and have a few plastic black widows and glowing spiders on them. The glowing spider webs where also spread everywhere, on the wall's, the prop's, the hanging chandlers, and the fake skeleton's. There were white lights in the shape of ghost's flying around everywhere.

            "So," Romano's hypnotizing voice started as he bowed a little in front of me and holding out his gloved hand formerly. "Would you care to accompany me at the dance floor?"

"I would be delighted to," I properly replied sliding my hand into in his, feeling the silky smoothness of his bloodied glove that doesn't hide the sparks of our touch. "Old man."

"Hey, I'm only about two years older than you." Romano pouted, gently leading us to the dance floor.

"Whatever you need to tell yourself, love." I laughed smiling brightly at him.

                When we got to the dance floor he put both of his warm hands on the small of my back, as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"You know, being a vampire suites you well." I said braking the comfortable silence that was between us as we swayed with the slow music.

"Oh? How so?" Romano asked.

"I don't know, it just, does." I replied.

He leaned down to where his full, plum lips were brushing up ageist my right ear as my breath got caught in my throat. "Being a vampire suites you as well, then."


              "So, Romano, who are you taking, or are you just going by yourself?" my best friend and sister's mate, who is also a vampire, asked.

"Flame," I answered. "I'm taking my mate, Flame."

"The new girl, that came here about a month ago?" Baldovino questioned.

"Yes, she's my mate." I replied a soft smile playing on my lips as she came up in my mind.

"And you didn't tell Me." he mumbled.

"Nope, I didn't tell you," I smiled. "Just like when you didn't tell me that my little sister was your mate."

"Well that's different because, Vic is your sister, and you're my best friend," he whined. "It's kind of awkward to tell your best friend that his younger twin sister is your soulmate."

I already have my costume on so I let my fangs elongate before responding. "It's not that different, nor is it awkward. I'm going to go get Flame, see you at the dance."

"Kay, and you need to tell me about her after the dance, or at least let me meet her during the dance," Baldovino ordered shaking his finger at me.

"Yeah, sure, whatever." I said rolling my eyes.

             "Wow, I'm speechless, you look amazing." I gasped when I saw her in her red and black dress, with a chain with a hart shaped ruby dangling around her neck.

"Thanks, I could say the same to you too, il mio amato." she responded smiling her beautiful smile and her blush added more affect to her dazzling beauty (my beloved).

                  The entrance was covered in lifeless tree's that were covered in a type of glowing spider webs. I held her by the hand as we walked through the trees to the dance, I wanted to hold her by the waist, but there wasn't enough room with the thickness of the trees. So I stuck with just holding her hand so the fake trees wouldn't hurt her, I wouldn't be able to live with myself if she was in pain. The room was dark and the glowing spider web stuff was spread everywhere, and there were white lights in the shape of ghost's flying around.

                "So," I said as I formally bowed in front of my lovely mate and stretching out my hand for her to take. "Would you care to accompany me at the dance floor?"

"I would be delighted to," she smiled setting her hand in my outstretched one, I felt the sparks of our mate bond, she smirked. "Old man."

"Hey, I'm only about two years older than you." I playfully frowned leading her to the slightly crowded dance floor.

"Whatever you need to tell yourself, love." she laughed happily.

              Once we got to the dance floor they were playing a slow spooky song so I put my hands around her waist, and her beautiful arm's came in contact with my neck and set her head under my chin so I gently rested my chin on her wonderful head.

           "You know, being a vampire suites you well." she said breaking the silence between us as we pulsed with the lullaby.

"O-oh? How so?" I stuttered.

"I don't know, it just, does." she calmly mumbled in to my chest.

I angled my head to where my lips were sweeping up agents her ear as we moved to the slothful beat. "Being a vampire suites you well too, then."

                "So this is the girlfriend that you didn't tell me about till earlier today," Baldovino said as soon as we stepped out of the mass of dancing people.

"Yes, I am, but I prefer being called Flame." my lovely mate retorted back to my strange friend.

"This is my, err, friend, and Victoria's boyfriend, Baldovino." I said looking off in the distance, Baldovino held out his hand for my Flame to shake.

"Do you know that your name means brave friend?" Flame asked shaking his hand.

"No, but I do now." Baldovino replied.

              When I got home after drooping Flame off at her house, I saw a note on my window. I took it off and started reading it.

             Enjoy her while you can, for soon she will be dead. And if you get in my way, I will kill you too.

             Who would have the nerve to send this to me?! Who would have the nerve to threaten my mate?!

Whoever it is, I will kill them, I promise you that.

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