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                                                                      Unknown P.O.V.

               We almost killed all of them, some ran off with their darkened, blood lusting leader. I shook loose blood out of my fiery fur before slowly coming up to the girl that I was born to protect. When she saw me coming up to her, her eyes widened a bit before she regained her composure. She is definitely in the royal blood family.

When I got to her, she slowly and tenderly stuck her hand out below my muzzle. In reply, I stuck my pink, blood stained out and gently licked her palm, which she giggled at.

"Goldie." She whispered quietly cupping my cheek.

Her eyes started to droop until she eventually lost consciousness.

               I shot up from my position on the bed of the hotel, wide awake now. I threw the covers off me and walked into the bathroom.

As I splashed cold water onto my face I sighed. It's been ten years since we lost her, the one that we, Daray, Corby, and I, were born to protect with our lives.

What's my name you ask? It's Lovell, and, yes, I know that it means little wolf.

               "Lovell, you OK?" Daray asked.

"Ya," I sighed again. "Anything new?"

"Yes a few months ago a fire mysteriously started in a house, we found a picture of the only one who survived." Corby replied.

"And?" I pressed.

"Well take a look yourself." Corby said handing me a newspaper.

There is a picture of a girl on it. It looks just her, but older.

"It looks like her." I whispered with a small smile playing on my lips.

"Yes it does," Daray murmured, before slowly looking up at me. "So, when do we leave?"

             "Phantom want's me home soon." She whispered, looking at the lowering sun.

With that, I took off running in the direction of her half-brother's house.

"Wait up, Goldie!" she shouted.

I stopped, looked in her direction, and gave her a wolfish grin, before running back up to her. I squatted down so she could climb onto my back.

Once she was secure, I took off running.

               "Were here." Corby said, shaking me awake.

"Let's go searching!" Daray cheered.

"Right." I nodded.

"Were do we start?" Corby asked.

"Bookstore? Library?" I suggested. "You know how she loved books."

"True," Corby murmured. "But she could have grown out of that."

"It's worth a shot, though." Daray said.

"It is." Corby sighed.

"Don't worry," I smiled slightly, putting my hand on his shoulder. "We'll find her."

                                      Flame's P.O.V.

           "Moon." I smiled at her, not knowing if I should go up and give her a hug, or not.

"Flame, look at how much you've grown," she smiled back at me, pulling me into a huge hug. "It's been so long."

"Yes it has," I replied sideways glaring at phantom. "And I know whose fault that was."

"You know he did it for your safety, right?" she asked, looking into my eyes.

"I know," I answered, frowning and looking at the ground. "But he communicated every once in a while, so I wouldn't think both of you were dead, and not of broken his promise."

"So who is this mate of yours that I was told about?" moon said changing the topic. "And where is he?"

"He said that storm, his adopted dad, is making him run to the store for some stuff." I said.

"Oh?" she hummed.

"Ya." I breathed.

"Interesting." She murmured.

"What?" I asked.

"Hmm? Oh. Nothing you need to worry about, flame." She quickly replied.

"OK." I trailed off.

                                 Romano's P.O.V.

             "So." My grandmother started.

"She's not ready yet." I cut her off, already knowing what she was going to say.

To be honest, I haven't told flame that my grandparents are visiting.

"Seriously," my grandmother groaned, slumping her shoulders a bit. "When am I going to meet your mate?"

"Soon." I lied through gritted teeth.

"It better be." she ordered.

"It will be." I said.

"That's what you have been saying since I came here." She frowned.

"Sorry to end the conversation on this note, but I need to go," I sighed grabbing my keys from the counter. "Goodbye grandmother."

           Yesterday was an absolute bust. We were unable to find any supernatural creatures in the areas that we had searched, not a single one. Flame and I had secretly agreed to go back together, just us two.

Before I go pick flame up, need to check another store for what I've been looking for, for a while now.

          "Excuse me." A man, who had two other men behind him, said.

"Yes?" I turned around to completely face him and his companions.

"Do you by any chance know who flame midnight ghoul is?" he asked.

"Who's asking?" I raised one of my eyebrows.

"We were once her protectors," one of the people behind him that had copper colored hair replied. "We were ordered to protector by her parents, but she disappeared one day and we've been trying to find her ever since."

"She's my mate." I simply answered.

"So do you know where she is?" the other one that was behind the one chirped.

"Not at the moment, she is probably walking around with her twin siblings." I murmured.

"Well this makes our search a lot easier." The first one said to himself. "Thank you, can you give her a message to her, for us please?"

"Shure." I replied.

"Can you tell her the three hellhounds are here?" He said.

"And what name do I tell her that it's from?" I asked.

"Goldie." He answered.

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