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Becky's Pov

It has been 2 months since my tuition sessions started with Professor Sarocha.

She is very friendly and kind.

My marks have also improved and I also got first 🥇 position in my class in last semester.

But today as I was returning my 🏡 home I felt that there was something strange as if someone was following me .

I looked back but then there was no one.So I thought that it could be just my hallucination.

After reaching home I called Irin and informed her about this but she also said thaat it may be just my hallucination.

Sarocha's Pov

Today I went to Becky's apartment and followed her

She turned back once and thank God I immediately hide behind the pillar .Otherwise I would have got caught .

I then took the fingertips in her door lock and then with that help I cracked her apartments passcode.

Now all the arrangements are ready
It is time to enact the mission in action.

Then she will be mine and mine only.

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