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Sarocha's Pov

After seeing her running and being flustered I was satisfied that now my revenge plan was working

Then I called my mom " Hi Mom, Sorry yesterday I was busy.So I didn't get the time to call you ."

" It's Okay Freen, I know you are busy.So how is your work going on." My mom asked.

" Yes , mom It is going alright. As you know some students are like a nuisance while some are so obedient and polite.Yeah , I know that's part of your job as a professor. But you get to meet new faces and get to know new things everyday. Which is interesting". I answered her.

" Yes , you are right . Everything has some pros and cons . Okay then I have to go to the hospital for a check up . Don't forget to call me when you are free." She said

" Okay mom. Bye bye" I said before hanging up the phone call.

Then I drove to my Dad's 🪦 graveyard.

" Dad , How are you .I hope you are at peace and enjoying your life there.
I promise Dad that I will avenge you death . Whether it be By Hook Or By Crook." I said with a tone of determination in my voice .

How vividly I remember that day when Dad was coming back from work to home earlier as it was my birthday.

But then we got a phone call that My dad had met with an accident.

We rushed to the hospital 🏥 ,but the doctors said that it was too late and couldn't save him.

Just like that my role model , my superhero , My DAD died on my birthday.

When I investigated further , I found out that the truck driver that crashed my Dad's car was paid by the Armstrong Company's Owner Richard Armstrong.

He did that because my Dad was a defence lawyer against him .

He was accused of fraud and not paying compensation as per the contract to the dead workers' families.

My Dad was an honest and just person.

Therefore, even when Me Armstrong tried to bribe him .
My Father refused it and stood by the workers family even on the stake of his own life.

Therefore I promised to myself .
That I will make Hell out of the Armstrong Family.

I started working hard and after achieving my degrees .
I owned some restaurants and A Executive Mall.

I entered this college to plot my revenge plan and the target was none other than Rebecca Patricia Armstrong .

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