Meeting the Stars

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Meeting the Stars

Stars? they are not mere decorations to the sky.... they helped the moon light the world

-----Never forget, the sun is a star, who appears to shine brighter than the others-----

"What did you do!" Nick grabbed Lady Mia's collar...oh he doesn't know what his doing...Lady Mia glared at him...She kicked Nick's gut and he fell right into the ground hard

"You do not disrespect A Guardian of Alterria, Thief!" Lady Mia spoke every word with venom... the bandits held their swords and began circling them again

"Hmph!...Thief?.of course what should I expect from someone like you,judging someone without even knowing..well I'm sorry to break your, But this thief holds your life" Nick countered with an evil glare

"You! All of you are the same.. noble blood?! more like mud blood!!.. all of you nobles are the same, you take advantage on everyone that is lower than you and you!...che! guardians of Alterria my face! you are no different!" By now the bandits started circling them again

"You dare talk to us that way?!" Lady Mia did not stopped glaring at him, she hated him, she hated every bandits, she hated everyone like him

"No, YOU dare talk to us that way?! We have your lives in the blade of our swords!"

"Yah, and we are the ones taking advantage...yah very true" Tara whispered, though because of the silence, everyone heard it..loud and clear

"What?" Tara asked when everyone's eyes turned to her, Tara and Lara are currently sitting on two large rocks and if I must include..calmly.... Tara is playing with a stick, while Lara is looking uninterested

"I agree with her" Lara muttered when silence took over

"Why you-"

"Are you not the one judging people without knowing them?" Tara said turning her attention from the stick to Nick

"are you not the one who have ambushed us to get our gold?"

"Are you not a thief then Sir Nick?"

"Are you not the one threatening our lives if ever we speak of you wrong"

"Are you not talking to yourself then, Nick?" Tara said staring at him

"Why you-"

"We're not insulting you Nick, we're saying the truth, and I hurt to burst your bubble but we don't care if you kill us right here and right now, though I doubt you could do that without losing half of your number, we're not afraid of fighting, why do you think we came here in the first place, in the middle of war....but you should remember..." Tara started mimicking him

"When we die, he and that dies with us" Lara said pointing to the injured man and to the kingdom guarded with high walls

"and if that happens, what for are you fighting then?".... Nick didn't answer, he knows they were right, about him... though he don't believe in prophecy, his country men did...

"Did you really think I believe in prophecy?!" He smirk

"I don't blame you for not believing, cause the truth is, she do not believe either...but unfortunately, it's 2 against a million" Tara answered him back...referring to Lara and to every people who believes to the prophecy

"It's your lose Nick, not'll be doing us a favor whichever you chose"

"............You are the one who broke the deal!"

"we didn't broke any deal...Alterrians never broke their promises"

"You mean...he's okay" Lady Mia rolled her eyes

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