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The sun shines brightly welcoming  a new day

Indeed it is new. a day without fear of getting hit by arrows. a day without worrying of their sons who went out there to fight for the kingdom. but this new day does not quite make a difference. the people are still suffering from hunger, death of their love ones, destroyed houses and other properties, for most this new day does not make any difference at all.

"You really need to wake up, the sun is already up" Lara muttered besides my bed, she is currently sipping her tea while reading her book... the usual her, it has been quite a while  since i saw her in her normal self...

" I am awake..." I sleepily said rolling to face her

"Then dear, if you would be so kind to rise, they are waiting for you"

"who and why?" i yawned and closed my eyes, I'm really sleepy and last nights celebration should be blamed

"They and just because." Lara continued sipping her tea


"a minute more"


"just another minute"

"Get up"


"Tara, you are  sent here for a reason and that reason is certainly not sleeping"

"fine...jeesh" i got up and glared at her

"Lara, why can't you be a normal girl?"

" I'm not the one one who's not normal here" she smirked eyeing me, i rolled my eyes.. what in the world does that mean?

I got up, I can't stay sleeping like this, apparently I am a princess and a princess I should be, this unfortunate kingdom needs the so called destined twins.

As i gazed through the mirror... i saw myself.. figures, at the same time I saw Lara, its amazing how we look so much the same, guess that's what being twins means ha... its been a long time since we stop wearing the bracelet that distinguishes as from the other one, it started as an idea to fool the guardians, but its kinda fun so I literally beg Lara to stay with the disguise... don't you just love confusing everyone? will i do

"Aren't you ready yet?" Lara seem tired of waiting, she's not the one who waits

"Let's begin our day" I smiled at her


"The kingdom used to specialised in farming to feed its people, but the war made it impossible to do so... even though the kingdom is covered by walls, flame arrows destroy the crops, metals that is suppose to be used as farming tools are used to make weapons, and we can't trade for seeds because of the war... and that causes drought and hunger" Lord Dominic explained

"Your highness" a man bowed in front of us

"This is Sir Fredile, the owner of the largest plantation of rice in the kingdom"

"Our kingdoms has send seeds and farming equipment for you to start farming once again and some barley for consumption while waiting for the seeds to grow, Do you think it will suffice Sir Fredile?" Prince Luke asked the owner

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2013 ⏰

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