Survivor Profiles

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Name: The Big BadAss
Alter-Ego: Trubie
Marital Status: Single and sassy about it.
Occupation: Smiling for the imaginary camera, doling out challenges and being the one to announce "You *are* the weakest link - goodbye!" to ousted Survivors.
Hometown: Like that matters?
Luxury Item: A $700 per night hotel room fully equipped with jacuzzi and an endless supply of Bolli and chocolate.

Biography: Put on Smith Island to attempt to keep the peace (or is that stir the shit?) among the survivors, she works hard to hide her delight when annoying survivors go bye-bye. She gets the glory while others wrack their brains and bang their heads against walls to come up with Immunity and Reward challenges. Yes, she likes her life on Smith Island. It's so much better than the peons who are stranded here day after day after day after long and tiring day.


Name: Marlena Evans Black
Alter-Ego: Rachie
Age: Don't you know it's not polite to ask a lady her age?
Marital Status: married to, and sometimes happy, despite his infidelities, with, John Black
Occupation: occasional psychiatrist

Hometown: Denver, CO
Luxury Item: charm bracelet

Biography: The Saint of Salem, Marlena tries desperately to hold on to her squeaky-clean image. But things just happen. Her affair with John Black, being possessed by the devil, over a dozen kidnappings, dealing with insta-grown children with bad attitudes, and, now, a hubby who seems to be battling against her to protect the honor of his oldest and youngest sons. Ahh...the trials of life. Still, she takes them in stride. Or does she?


Name: Jennifer Rose Horton
Alter-Ego: Skruggie
Age: 25 in real time, 31 in Salem Warp Time.
Marital Status: Who knows? She's been married to Lawrence and Jack and Peter and when she left Salem last she was with Jack but....
Occupation: Sometime jounalist / waitress
Hometown: Salem, USA
Luxury Item: Ray Charles so he can personally sing Hit The Road Jack at her beck and call....

Biography: Jennifer is Salem alumni and she's one of the good guys of Salem. And we know there are so few of them left don't we? She is the daughter of Bill and Laura Horton and adoring of big brother Mike. She came back to Salem a blonde bundle or eighties teen angsty trouble, however she soon settled down with reformed bad guy Jack Deveraux. Later she married a DiMera (by nature if not by name) but after finding out what a louse he really was, she flitted off to Africa (with Jack again). She arrived back in Salem with young daughter Abigail in tow (but sans Jack) several months ago. Since then she has been keeping a fairly low profile and we wonder if she has finally shed her track record for getting involved with losers.


Name: Roman Augustus Brady
Alter-Ego: deehallfan1
Age: 50
Marital Status: Divorced from Marlena.
Occupation: Cop.
Hometown: Salem, USA.
Luxury Item: Picture of Marlena, just in case she's kicked off before he is.

Biography: Roman Brady is a long time Salem hero. He grew up in the Catholic, blue collar Brady clan, taking on the role of man of the house when his pop got sick. One of four children, Roman became a cop, taking on the responsibility of protecting the good people of Salem from the bad guys. And then he met a beautiful lady shrink and his life was changed forever. Although not universally liked, Roman has had some pretty bad luck over the last fifteen years. He was held captive for seven years, he lost his wife to a man who thought he was *him* and for the last four years, an(other) imposter has been walking around Salem using his name. This is a man who has gotta have a severe identity crisis.


Name: Brady Victor Black
Alter-Ego: LisaD
Age: Real time *and* emotionally, nine years old. Kristen might have fed Belle penicillin, but she gave this kid a shot of mutant growth hormone before she left.
Marital Status: Single, cause let's face it. Like anyone would marry this asswipe?
Occupation: Loser
Hometown: Salem, USA
Luxury Item: his Tiny Tim canes

Biography: Brady, well where do we start? Son of John's first (or something) wife Isabella Toscano he was once an adorable little boy with a mop of shiny chestnut hair who loved Marlena, the only mother he had ever known. While his loser father whored around with half of Salem, Marlena gave him a home and love and stability. Now he is back in Salem, he's doubled in age and he's blond and brawny. Oh, and he hates his wicked stepmother, Marlena. Confused? Yeah, so are we.

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