Day 58 on Survivor Island
Belle *confessional* - well, sorta*
(A heartbroken soul rows a tiny boat across the dark, still waters surrounding Smith Island. A droplet of sadness trickles down his soft brown furry face and sparkles in the moonlight, as the weight of his few belongings harbored in his teeny backpack begins to feel like a ton of acorns..)
Timothy: Bloody hell... Never thought I'd *ever* find myself heading back to this god-forsaken bog...
(A sniffle echoes off the sides of the tin boat as Timothy remembers the humbling and short-lived jaunt he had in Hollywood.... surprisingly, to him anyway, the character he played on Jim Reilly's show was killed off in less than a week when the over-night ratings brought in to the office by the obnoxiously chipper VP of daytime programming -- whom Timothy wished he had tripped when the bloke skipped into the room like a school girl -- had dropped markedly. He had been horrified to read his script the next day to find that his character was to be eaten by a wicked witch's cat. Timothy sighs and stops rowing for a moment to wipe his tears and reflect on his failure to be a big TV star... and to get home. Lost in his melancholy, he is jolted and almost falls into the bottom of the boat when he hits land. Getting himself together, he hops out of the boat and tips his little baseball cap to Bob, who had been taping the departure of the tow-headed varmint, Brady. Timothy tries to ignore Brady, who is mooning Bob's camera, and heads off to find his old home in the forest... and perhaps see what has become of his friend, Belle.)confessed by Belle at 1:27 AM
Grace - Confessional
[Grace is sitting by the fire, a martini in hand as Bob creeps up with his camera.]
Bob: Hey, blondie. Anything interesting to say for the folks back home?
Like Brady you mean? [Smirks.] Payback my ass. That boy couldn't pull off payback if his life depended on it. He's about as competent as his parents when it comes to revenge. I mean, look how often John's threatened to take DiMera down. And here he is sharing an island with Stefano. Brady needs to take his toys and go back to his playpen where he's safe from the bumps and bruises of the real world. [Giggles.] Too bad I wasn't around when he got booted. I would have liked to trip him up one last time...
Bob: [Can't help laughing.] I wouldn't have minded getting it on tape either.
[Grace is quietly pensive for a moment as she stares into the fire.] Bob, has anyone seen John? I mean, at all? Since he disappeared when we merged?
Bob: [Shakes his head a little surprised that she is finally asking after all this time.] No. No one that I know of has seen either John or Isabella. [Pauses.] I thought you weren't worried about him. I guess no one else seems to be.
[Laughs with detached amusement.] Worried? Me? [She shakes her head and then shrugs.] I'm bored, that's all. Just askin' a question.
Bob: [With slight nervousness.] So what's the deal with your sister and the cop? They seem to be kinda weird about you.
Persecuting me you mean? [Rolls her eyes.] I don't know, they got it into their heads that Stefano is controlling me or something. Like DiMera cloned me. [Her laughter is low and dangerous.] Sometimes I wish those two would share what they're smoking around the rest of the camp.Bob: [Carefully.] Well.... I do kinda see their point, blondie. You did kinda change there. Right before the teams merged and all.
[Eyes narrow darkly in the glittering light of the dying fire.] It's kind of a reality check when you find out your husband is cheating on you with not only his former lover but then his former wife too. I've had enough of being taken for granted, Bob. I've had enough of being used as a doormat by John and his Neanderthal son. It's time to take back some of the power.
Bob: But what about your friends...?[Bitter laughter fills the air.] Friends? Most of the people in this town are so self-involved they barely know I'm alive unless they want something from me.
Bob: [Pauses and scratches his bushy beard as he contemplates his point. Aside from Laura Horton, he can see Marlena's point.] Do you really think John is with Isabella?
[Raises one eyebrow in disdain.] Well not that I really could care one way or the other.... but I'm starting to think, why should they get away with it? He's married to me after all. Why should he get away with cheating on me without suffering some?
Bob: And now Brady's gone....
[Glances at him, her eyes alive with laughter mimicked by the dancing flames that are reflected there.] Right, now that Brady's gone I'm bored. And I don't have to worry about letting the little snot have any kind of satisfaction... [She leans forward, inviting confidentiality.] If you see or hear anything, you will let me know, won't you?[The confessional is interrupted by Kim who runs into camp, panting.]
Kim: Bob, Marlena.... Have you seen Shane?
[Her lips curl into a wicked smile.] Shane's with Laura, honey. They're getting... shall we say... reacquainted after her little disappearing act. I'd have thought he'd have told you since I heard you'd been spending quite a bit of time together....
Kim: [Stopping, she places her hands on her hips.] We were going over the Roman files. There's nothing going on between Shane and me.
Not for lack of trying though hmmm, Kimmy?
Kim: [Ignoring Grace, she looks directly at Bob.] I need to find Shane. IF you see him before I track him down, tell him that Hope has escaped... [Shoots a disgusted look at Grace.] I'd hoped with Brady gone your attitude might shape up. Seems that it's only getting worse. [Her face darkens.] Do yourself a favour, Marlena, and stay out of my way.
[She storms off towards the woods and Grace laughs openly.] Lord, they make it far too easy....
confessed by Marlena at 5:49 AM
Roman Brady *Confessional*
Roman and Sam are now sitting on the beach looking out into the ocean waters.
Roman: Well, Sam, nothing is working for us because of that damn Laura.
Sam: Right, and as soon as we manage to get Marlena alone, Laura seems to always appear and ruin our plan.
Roman: Okay, so what does that tell us?
Sam: That Laura either is on to knowing about who has changed Marlena or she is being controlled also by this same person.
Roman: Yeah, and it's got to be DiMera.
Sam: Do we have a new plan, Roman?
Roman: Yeah. I think we need to get Hope, Sweet Isabella, and Doc all together.
Sam: And then what?
Roman: Then I need to find John so Doc can learn the truth about who John's soulmate really is. This will be a big part of the plan.
Sam: How are we ever going to get all three woman and John together at the same time.
Roman: That's where we need Bob's help or the BigBad Ass. One of them has got to call a tribal meeting so we all have to be at camp at the same time. You know, I haven't seen or heard from most of these survivors since we came on this dumb island.
Sam: This sounds like a great idea, Roman. Then when all of us are together, you can call Marlena's bluff. I know this is not my sister and you know it's not the Doc you love.
Roman: You see, Sam, my idea is to get John to choose either Hope or Sweet Isabella and then see Marlena's reaction. If this clone of Marlena's doesn't fight for John, then we know it's the spineless pod Marlena of 2000 and 2001. But if Marlena fights for John, then we know it's not a clone but the real Marlena and someone is still controlling her. Even if Doc is being controlled, she would, down deep inside, try to fight back to be the real Marlena and fight for John. If she is being controlled I can work with Shane to figure out how to break this control DiMera has over Doc.
Sam: I like this plan, Roman. Let's go find Bob or the Big Bad Ass and ask them to call everyone back to camp.
Roman: I need you to do that, Sam. I have to go talk this out with Shane. Let's meet back at camp in an hour.
Sam: Okay, Roman. Good luck.
Roman: Same to you, Sam.
Both Roman and Sam head back to start their plan.confessed by Roman Brady at 7:09 AM
Days of Our Lives Survivor
FanfictionThis was a little bit of fun a bunch of us wrote/played a good 20+ years ago. Remember Brady's Tiny Tim canes? fauxBelle and her discovery of Timothy the talking English Squirrel? The poison pen and pod people of Tom Langan? Relive the hysteria...