Wednesday, May 30, 2001

31 1 0

Day 2 on Survivor Island

Marlena *Confessional* - Tribe One

[Marlena, sits down and yawns, stretching her muscles. It's a night vision camera so things are a little fuzzy but we can see that the rolled up sleeves of her blouse reveal a graze on her right elbow and she has a smear of dirt across one cheek.]

Well, we finally got the tents up. Once Roman came back with baby Belle, he and Craig set right to it. [Bob mutters something.] Well I don't know how she can be Belle, but she is. She keeps calling me momma and mmmm... she just feels so yummy when she snuggles up in my lap. It only feels like yesterday that she was this small. [looks slightly confused again] Well all right , I guess it was yesterday.

Did you know we have *Kristen* on our team? It's not bad enough that I had to get stuck with Brady, but Kristen too? Who's bright idea was that? That BadAss girl has a lot to answer for. Still, I heard a rumor that Isabella has turned up to take her place in the other tribe. I thought she was supposed to be dead. If she's not dead then.... well, I wonder how Brady will feel about finding out his mother has been alive all these years and hasn't bothered coming to find him?

Bob: Aren't you worried about John if Isabella is back on the scene? I heard she was his one true love or something.

[Marlena chuckles lightly.] Bob, honey, don't believe everything you hear. I'm guessing Brady told you that, huh? No, I trust John, I know he loves me and well, quite frankly maybe it's time Brady had a reality check. And maybe with his mother back, he'll have something else to focus on besides making my life a living hell.

[She holds her elbow up to the camera.] See that? He fell *into* me on purpose when we were putting up the tents. Started muttering something about seeing his bits and *wham*, next thing you know, I'm narrowly avoiding impaling myself on a tent peg. [Brushes her hair out of her eyes with a smile as Bob makes appropriately shocked noises.] Don't worry, Roman threatened to make sure he couldn't walk for a month if he tried something like that again.

Of course you can imagine Brady's temper tantrum. When he accused me of being a whore and sleeping with Roman, Craig stepped in and belted him one before telling him not to talk to me that way. Now I *know* violence never solves anything, but I'm so used to John just standing around listening to Brady say things like this to me, it was kind of refreshing.

So anyway [shrugs a little painfully] Brady stormed off to sleep in the only tent we'd put up so far. As you can probably imagine, no-one wants to share a tent with him, so that leaves three tents between seven of us. It'll be nine of us if the other two ever arrive. Which unfortunately means some of us are going to be stuck sleeping with Kristen. Well, I can tell you this, it won't be *me*. Laura and I have decided that she and I will share a tent with baby Belle and Jennifer if and when she arrives on the island. Poor Kimmy gets stuck with Kristen and whoever the mysterious tenth person on our team is. Oh well, it's not like she's been locked in a secret room by Kristen at some point like Laura and I have.

Roman and Craig get a little more room though. Laura apparently ran across Shane Donovan while she was out scouting the area and he seems to think that the real Roman is the Chris Kositcheck clone back in Salem. Which, upon seeing *this* Roman, my curly haired-tight short wearing sweet Roman, seems utterly and patently absurd!

Anyway, he's working on the problem so I'll reserve judgement for now. I've had enough of mistaking people for Roman to last me a lifetime, thankyou. [Bob mutters something with a half-grin and Marlena tenses slightly] No Bob, I'm quite sure you're not Roman and even if you were, I'm a married woman.

[She looks around at the sound of what sounds like the beginnings of an earthquake and shakes her head] Yet *another* reason I didn't want to be stuck on Brady's team. That boy, despite the fact that you could land a 747 in his nasal cavity, has terrible apnoea. I'll be surprised if *any* of us get any sleep out here tonight. Or this week actually. [Slaps the back of her hand over her mouth as she yawns.] I think I'd better go and check on baby Belle. I'll see you tomorrow Bob.

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