Sunday, June 17, 2001

10 2 0

Day 20 on Survivor Island

*IMMUNITY ANNOUNCED and an apology from the Big BadAss*

Yeah. Life gets in the way, then work gets tangled in your feet, then you get eaten alive by bugs (have you ever had a bugbite *on* a bugbite? yeah - it itches like sin and makes you wish temporary amputation were possible) and the great tooth ache of unhappy fresh fillings. My sincerest apologies for yet *another* delay.

Also my apologies for that last immunity challenge. I'm thinking Langan must have snuck back to the mess tent and laced the brownies or something. Yikes. I promise they won't ever be that terrible again. Promise. Swear to it. Cross my heart and hope to be forked. Or not. Whatever.

Anyway, by a VERY narrow margin (like 3 points), the immunity idol once again switches hands - to Tribe Epojetahwe!

Tribe Nagahideahuh (yeah, I'm too tired to go back and look at the official name - sorry), because of the delay in my announcing immunity, I'll keep open until 6 PM eastern time Sunday night.

Now - little piece of business. We are one more vote away from the merge. Well, two if you count the one currently going on. I'm going to leave it up to you survivors to decide how you want to handle things from here on out. Do you want to continue to have immunity challenges? If so, do you want to submit them *yourselves* for consideration? Remember - after the merge, IC's would be on an individual basis - no teamplay there. Or do you want to do away with IC's altogether and just vote every 3 or 4 days?

(Note - that last option may speed things up a bit :))

Anyhoo, you all think about it and sometime in the next, oh, 4 or 5 days - before the next vote, certainly.

Talk amongst yourselves, get back to me, Bob'll give you coffee, we'll talk....

confessed by Your Host, The Big BadAss at 1:12 AM


[It's pitch black as her eyes flutter open. She can barely see two feet in front of her although it appears she's in some kind of cave. Alone. She groans as she shifts, the earth hard beneath her. Her head feels like she drank two bottles of vodka before a football team of dwarves tap-danced a Fosse number on her skull. In fact, her whole body aches and she can't seem to work out how she got here. Strike that. She can't remember anything much at all. Nausea is an unwelcome companion as she tries to sit up and she gives up after a split second, sinking back to the rock-strewn floor. Closing her eyes, she allows the blackness to reclaim her.]

confessed by Marlena at 5:21 AM

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