Saturday, August 18, 2001

6 1 0

Day 82 on Survivor Island

Belle Confessional

(Belle sloshes Jell-O around in her mouth and wiggles her toes as she reveals to Timothy what she's been up to while he was in Tinsel Town. How she spent days looking but couldn't find her dad. How her mother just ignored her, and if she wasn't ignoring her she was trying to give her martinis to get her to shut up. How she had to get away from camp and the adults who seemed to bicker day and night. She was so bored she ventured back to Langan's hideout and spied on him. She told Timothy how was still continuing to grow pod people and send them to Salem. First Shawn Douglas, then some guy named Jack, and then Mimi... She told of how she'd gotten caught again and Langan tied her up and almost grew a pod of her! Wild eyed, talking faster than her glossed lips can move, Belle exclaims to the shocked squirrel how she'd freed herself and stomped on the vegetable thing until it was just a puddle of goo. She squeals and squirms in disgust, pawing at him, causing Timothy to choke on an acorn.)

It was ewwww, just way ewwww! (She reaches over and hugs the squirrel between her perky breasts and shrieks how happy she is to have her best buddy back.)

Timothy: (Once he has dislodged the cupule from his throat... decides to change the subject) I saw Brady heading off the island. He was displaying his posterior for all of America to see. What happened?

Oh, I don't know... Brady was suppose to meet me one night, but he never showed up and then Bob told me about him being voted off. I didn't vote him off. He may have been kind of acting all toady but like I couldn't... just couldn't vote him off. But that's over, I'm sure he's fine back home where he can sit and play his collection of show tunes. Did I ever tell you that he knows the entire Broadway version of Sound of Music? He used to make me call him "Maria" when we were little.... (Belle's voice drifts off as she takes another scoop of Jell-O and appears to actually be thinking, but Timothy is doubtful so he attempts to bring her out of her Jell-O induced reverie.)

Timothy: So, young Belle... what else have you done to keep yourself out of trouble on this bloody island? (There is a moment of silence, and then....)

OH! (She screams. Her buttocks literally bounding a foot off the mound of grass they were sprawled out on. The resulting chaos flinging the blurred chunk of red Jell-O from her spoon and wobbling into the air. Timothy flinches briefly and is thankful all his acorns are safely in a pile next to him. Oh, oh, oh! Timothy, you won't believe this. You know how you found me by the...

(Belle stops cold from her excited discourse as she and Timothy are suddenly no longer alone. Over the hill they are shocked to see John carrying Marlena, and Sam bringing up the rear, and Bob and his camera hoping to bring up the ratings with the best real-life drama about characters from a soap that isn't real.

Belle jumps instantly to her feet and runs to them, while Timothy remains behind determined to stay out of this one.

Belle flip-flops zigzaggedly toward her father, squealing at the top of her lungs. Timothy sticks acorns in either of his ears and begins to chew on a sliver of grass.)

Daddy! Oh Daddy! Oh my gawd, Dad! What happened to MOM? Is she dead? Where have you been? Where are you going? Can I come?

John: (A look of determined concentration on his face, staring straight ahead as Belle bounces around him, continuing to move forward. His voice is low and gruff.) Belle, not now. Please, just stay here. Everything will be fine.

Daddy! I'm coming with you!

John: NO! (He stops in his tracks, as Sam and Bob crash into him.) I'm ordering you to stay here!

She's MY MOM!

(John looks at her, a confused expression crossing his face, his head tilting suddenly feeling like he's in a strange limbo. 'Who is this girl? Why did I call her Belle?'

He turns away and continues on his way, Bob and Sam stomping on with him, leaving Belle in their tracks. Belle, tears streaming down her soft baby butt cheeks, plops down in the dirt and begins to sob. Timothy reluctantly tosses away his spike of grass and scampers to her side.)

Timothy: There, there young Belle, there, there....

confessed by Belle at 8:38 PM

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