Day 76 on Survivor Island
Roman Brady *Confessional*
Roman looks all over the island for Sam. Being the best cop in all of Salem and the whole damn USA, Roman manages to find the entrance to the cavern just as Laura is coming out.
Roman: Stop right there, Laura.Laura: Why the hell should I listen to you?
Roman: Because, damnit, I'm fed up with this god-forsaken island and everyone on it, with the exception of Sam. This island is worse than the damn show I have to watch every damn morning when I'm in Salem. I don't know what's worse, being Joped to death or being on this crazy island with a bunch of lunatics and imposters.
Laura: Maybe you're the crazy one?Roman: History proves you're the nut.
Laura: What the hell does "history" have anything to do with the suck-ass soap you're on now? You're not even you.
Roman: I'll give you that one, Laura, but even if I am being played by the worst recast in the history of soaps, I will never give up trying to get to the bottom of why Marlena is acting like she is. You know that I know that you know this is not the real Marlena on this damn island. Why don't you tell me what's going on and I'll try to help all of you?
Laura: Not a chance. All you want is Marlena back and she doesn't want any part of you.
Roman: You're wrong, Laura. All I want is for the real Marlena to be happy for a change, and not with me while the Stump is playing me, but with some other hunk that can come on this crap of a soap she's on and take her away from the mercjerk she's married to now.
Laura: Just leave, Roman. We don't need you or want you here.
Roman: Not a chance, Laura. Get the hell out of my way. I'm going in this cavern and find out what the hell is going on.
Roman gets past Laura, and enters the cavern, and finally finds Marlena, John, and Sam.confessed by Roman Brady at 7:03 AM
Days of Our Lives Survivor
FanfictionThis was a little bit of fun a bunch of us wrote/played a good 20+ years ago. Remember Brady's Tiny Tim canes? fauxBelle and her discovery of Timothy the talking English Squirrel? The poison pen and pod people of Tom Langan? Relive the hysteria...