Chap 9

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ATTENTION: The story is almost over! One more, and then an Epilogue next! I think the next chapter will be the wedding, maybe the next chapter will be the Epilogue....Well, just warning you. Thanks to anyone and everyone who commented on the chapters. And to those who stayed with me throughout the story. ENJOY!

"Which one do you want?" Standing with my arm around her shoulders, her head resting on my shoulder, she chose the sweatshirt of mine she wanted.

"That one!" She giggled and ran to get it. On the front, a C was painted on it, it was one of my old soccer sweatshirts. The entire sweatshirt was the color black, but the C was blue. Perfect, I thought, they were her two favorite colors, besides neon purple and neon green.

"Aww, my old soccer sweatshirt?" I fake whined and she laughed as she turned around.

"What?" She pouts. "Do you not want me to have it?"

"No, no, it's fine..." I trailed off and turned around, my back facing her.

"Well, fine! If you don't want me to have it...." Tears spring to her eyes and she falls down in a heap.

"No, no. Popcorn, I was joking, you can have any sweatshirt you want." She leaned her head on my chest, still crying. "And besides, I wore that sweatshirt the most, so it smells a lot like me, unless that's a bad thing?"

She takes her head off my chest and presses her forehead against mine. "I love your scent, it reminds me of you, of course."

I stroke her cheek gently. "And your scent reminds me of everything good in this life. I love you."

Her voice fails her. "I-I-I...."

"You what, popcorn?"

She looks me straight into my yes, and I notice that she looks relieved. "I love you too." She whispers, and seals that promise by kissing my lips.

I loved the feel of her lips on mine, she was my everything. I loved her, and she loved me back! My mind registered what she had told me. I grinned. "You love me too!"

She nodded, tears welling up in her eyes once again. "I love you!"

I pull her in for a hug, listening to her steady breathing and her heartbeat, beating in tune to mine.

"What happens next?"

I grinned once more. "We get married."

She slapped me playfully. "Is that your way of asking me to marry you?"

"No." Her face falls and her head dips down. I lift her chin, looking her in the eye. "I'm demanding that you marry me, I cannot live my life without you."

More tears fell from her eyes. "And I can honestly say that neither can I." I kissed her again, and relished in the fact that she loved me. She loves me. She. Loves. Me. ME. That will never get old.

Jess P.O.V

I finally told him. And he told me he loved me right back, just like I knew he would. But I honestly meant it, I loved him to death, and nothing would or could separate us now. Boy was I wrong.
*Senior Year in College*

Bryan hadn't bugged us at all, surprisingly. I was still worried about him coming around, but CJ assured me that he wouldn't leave my side. "Class, settle down. Settle down. I know you guys are excited, what with graduation coming up soon. But you guys will have to wait a little bit longer."

He was right, I was excited! School was almost over, I majored in the culinary arts, and I was saving up to own my own restaurant. CJ was mostly excited about marrying me. Yes! We were still together! Or should I say, ARE still together. We had a week left at school, and my friends and I were chilling and hanging out, playing 3 truths and a lie.

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