Chap 5

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Chapter 5

Jess P.O.V

When I woke up, sunlight hit my face and I closed my eyes. I rolled over but hit something hard. "Morning popcorn. How'd you sleep?" He stroked my cheek and I tilted my face to get a better look at him.

"Good, how'd you sleep?"

He grinned and pulled me to him, resting his head on mine. "Awesome."

I laughed and got out of his grip. "Okay, okay. Don't go all lovey-dovey on me. I'm still a newbie at this." I stood up and grabbed a purple shirt with a green and black design on it, then grabbed a pair of shorts to wear. "I'm going to change. There's breakfast downstairs."

I headed towards the bathroom as he said, "Oh, so you're not going to make it for me?"

"Nope. You're a big boy, make it yourself."

He pouted and jutted out his bottom lip. "Please."

I laughed and went over to him. Patting his shoulder, I said, "Didn't your parents ever teach you how to make toast?"

He smiled and pulled me in for another round of hugs. "Nope. So can you do it for me?"

"Fine." I rolled my eyes and headed towards the bathroom again. "After I change."

"Thank you, girlfriend." He grins but a frown replaces it when he sees the expression on my face. "What?"

"I didn't agree to be your girlfriend yet. Notice I said yet. I'm not ready just now. So, you'll have to wait a bit longer."

He sighs. "When are you going to get it through your head that I like you? I'll wait for as long as it takes you."



Why did she act like this? She knew I liked her, yet she was being secretive, mysterious. Maybe she wasn't comfortable around me yet? But no, that can't be it. I just slept with her in her own bed. She obviously likes me at least a fraction of a bit. I sighed again and changed into the clothes I had come here in. Walking down the stairs, I took in everything. It was a really cool house. Everything was perfectly in order, totally opposite from mine. I chuckled to myself, I could get used to this.

The kitchen was really home-y. The color made you want to sit and mellow all day, it was a light blue with a dark blue streak through it. It was one of my favorite colors, blue. I sat on the couch and turned on the TV. Spongebob came on, the episode where Mr. Krabs makes Spongebob and Patrick paint his house. And he tells them not to get paint on anything, or else it won't come off.

I laughed when Mr. Krabs spit all over the place and all the paint came off the wall. "What are you watching?" Jess says, getting something out of the fridge. She wasn't wearing any make up, but it suited her, because she didn't need any.

"Spongebob." I walked over to her and placed my arms around her waist.

She leaned back, "Mhmmm...So, breakfast."

"Whatcha making popcorn?"

"It's something my Aunt taught me. You take an English muffin, and toast it. When it comes out, you put this mixture on it." She held up a container filled with some type of combination of cheese and green stuff.

"What's in the mixture?"

"Cheese, garlic salt, green onions, and mayonnaise. It sounds out-of-the-box ish, but trust me. It's awesome!" She put three English muffins in the toaster and got some milk out of the fridge.

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