Chap 2

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Jess P.O.V

Tonight, me, Nicole, Jared, and Kim were going out to the movies. I dragged Kim along so I could talk to someone, since Jared would probably spend the whole movie trying to get Nicole to make out with him. I hope she breaks up with him soon...Oh! I forgot to mention! We kicked the other team's butts!!! We won 3-0! I was so happy! I scored a goal when Nicole took the corner kick, it came right to me and I headed in the corner off the goal! As I was saying, the movie we're going to watch tonight is called "Karate Kid". I was really excited when we picked that movie. I heard it was hecka funny! Especially with Will Smith's son in it.

The drive wasn't that long, because I only lived a few minutes from the theater, everyone had met at my house. When we got to the movies it was really crowded! People were talking, shaking hands, and some were even making out in the corner. GROSS.

I pulled Kim away from Nicole and Jared and told her, "Hey! Want to get some popcorn and make them go get seats for us? That way we won't have to watch the credits, and we get some food." She looked at me like I was crazy, but that was how I was: spontaneous and crazy.

"Ok," She grins. "I'll go with you. But you have to pay for at least half of it! And I want to get a Coke ok?" I walk over to Jared and Nicole and tap them both on their shoulders. Turning around with a surprise look on their faces, they look at me.

"Hey guys. Once you guys buy your tickets," (Kim and I were smart enough too but then online before we came so we wouldn't have to wait in line.) "Can you save our seats? Nicole and I were going to buy some snacks to eat during the movie."

Jared glances at Nicole and I can tell he isn't fooled by me. But Nicole, being the good friend that she is, says, "Of course, Jess. Where do you want to sit?" She gives a death glare to Jared before continuing. "In the front, the middle, or the back?"

"Umm let me ask Kim, I'll be right back." Turning around, I looked for Kim. I finally spotted her flirting with some guy near the ticket booth. Ugh, I wish I had at least one friend who understood me and acted like me. I walked over to Kim and said, "Excuse me, may I borrow my friend for just one moment." It wasn't really a question. It was more like a "Get lost now, or I'm gonna make you leave."

"Yeah, sure. Whatever." He turned around and immediately started talking to another blond chick.

Kim looked hurt so I tapped the guy's shoulder one last time and told him, "You hurt my friend, and I'll hurt you. Got that?" He looked shocked and confused, so I turned around and dragged Kim with me. We headed for where the popcorn was when Kim suddenly spun around.

Kim P.O.V.

"Look, I'm sorry ok? Forgive me?" The guy was stalking us! "Kim! Please!" He grabbed my arm and made me look at him.

I turned to him and laughed. Then I looked at Jess and winked, "Pierce, you know she was just kidding. But if we were out on a date and I had to go to the bathroom or something and you start talking to a girl who you don't know like you just did, then I do not want to date you or talk to you."

"And I swear, if I catch you hurting her or cheating on her or anything, then I will personally find out where you live and I will hurt you just like you hurt Kim." He looked at me incredulously.

"Ok, isn't it weird that we just met and we're arguing like a married couple?" He turns to me. "Look, I'm sorry if I offended you, ok? I didn't mean to." Looking back at Kim. 'And, I like you, so..." He suddenly had an interest with staring at his shoes then us, so Kim tilted his chin up and said.

"I forgive you, and yes, this is pretty silly considering we just met and all. And I like you too. So, what movie are you going to see?"

Jess P.O.V.

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