Chap 4

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Recap ~

"Thank you." She whispered, but it was muffled by my shirt.

"Come on, popcorn. It's getting cold out here, and I don't want you getting sick before we finish our second date." I led her to my car and opened the door for her. She got in and discovered she was a bit tired.

I slid into my seat and saw her droopy eyes. Leaning closer to her, I whispered, "Don't worry popcorn. I'll take detour. You take a nap." And I leaned closer and planted a kiss on her forehead. "Sweat dreams."

Chapter 4


After I had told her to take a nap, I drove to a nearby parking lot and turned off the car. But I did leave the radio on. I looked over at Jess and took in her full beauty. Her big, pink lips. Her lovely, dark brown eyes. Her luscious, dark brown hair. And again, I knew that she was the one for me, no one else.

"Popcorn, popcorn, come on, we're here. When she didn't wake up, I bent down and lowered my head and kissed her cheek.

She woke up and looked startled. "W-what happened?"

I grinned and rubbed her cheek with my thumb. She leaned in slightly. "I kissed your cheek, popcorn."

"Oh. Well, where are we going for the rest of the date?"

"Ahh, I love how you change the subject whenever you feel nervous." I chuckled and moved my hand from her cheek to her hand. It was soft and warm in a comforting way. Dang, I really, truly loved this woman.

Jess P.O.V

He kissed my cheek. He kissed my cheek. HE KISSED MY CHEEK! And I was just having this dream about him. We were in a garden and I was sitting on a bench made out of stone. CJ came over to me and kissed my hand. Than he leaned in very slowly and was about to kiss my lips, but I woke up and it turns out he had only kissed my cheek.

No one had ever cared about me as much as CJ did. And you could tell by the expression on his face that he was a man in love. But I still didn't get why he liked me. As I have said, we had only known each other for a short time. But he was right, there was this sort of pull that I got from him. Like I should be with him. That he was my soulmate.

I shook my head, no. He couldn't be. I-I-I can't believe this. No. "Jess, Jess. Are you okay? What's wrong?"

I looked up into those dark blue eyes, "No, I'm fine. Just thinking."

"Well, if your done thinking, we're here." He winks at me and leaves the car to come to my door.

"You know I'm perfectly capable of opening my own door." I joked.

"Yes I do, but I'm the gentleman so it's polite to do so." Holding out his arm as he had done before, he waited until I had grasped his arm before he started to walk.

"So what are we doing for our date?"

He grins. You'll see. Close your eyes."

When he opens the door to whatever place he's taken me I immediately hear the shouting of people and ropes being pulled. "Where are we?"

"Open your eyes and see." He whispers, his voice near my ears.

I slowly opened my eyes, afraid of what was before me. ROCK CLIMBING! How did he know about this place? I had never been here before. "Hello, you must be the "Whitney" group. Party of two?"

A guy in his mid-thirties maybe came over to us with two harnesses. "Here you go, one for you, and one for you." He said, handing each of us one. I held it by one strap and looked at it questioningly.

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