Chap 7

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Soccer Champions Chapter 7


"Guess what?" I said.

"What?" She had just woken up. I was in the kitchen making breakfast and had been waiting for her to get up, she must have been really tired last night, because of all that anger towards Pierce.

I was going to try to cool her off today. "I'm going to take you to meet my parents."


"It's going to be fun!"

"Sure, for you. I've never had to do this before! What will I wear? Do I have to put make up on? Oh, Jeez, life is so much easier without having a boyfriend to make you worry about this stuff."

"Boyfriend?" I grinned. "You called me your boyfriend? I put a hopeful smile on and held my arms out to her.

She came closer and I put my head on top of hers. "Yes, I did. I decided, I want to keep you, and I don't want anyone taking you away from Pierce." She muttered the last part under her breath.

"Don't worry about him right now, hey, do you know if Nicole is up yet? I want to tell her what we're going to do today."

We hear a voice coming from behind us, and Jess turns her head on my chest to look at whoever it was.

Rubbing her eyes to rid herself from sleep, Nicole says, "Hey guys, thanks for letting me stay over last night."

Jess lets go of me (reluctantly?) and goes over to hug Nicole. She pats her head and says, "Don't worry, it's not a problem. Do you want to stay here today? Or are you going to go out?"

"I don't know..."

"How 'bout I invite Kim over, and she can cheer you up."

"Okay." She looks hopeful and goes to sit on the couch. I sit down on one of the comfy chairs in Jess' living room and pat my lap for Jess to sit there. She trots over and plops down. "Wait." She says.


"Can you get my phone so I can call Kim?"

"Sure." I sigh and walk into her room, searching for her phone. I hear muffled voices coming from the living room and creep closer so I can hear.

"my boyfriend." So she was talking about me? I smiled unconsciously, happy that she was my girlfriend now, and she wasn't afraid to tell her friend.

"Really?!" Nicole squeals, sounding happier now that she knows some gossip.

"Yeah, I think he's really excited."

"I bet he is! He loves you!"

"Yeah, I know..."

Her voice turns serious. "Do you love him?"

"I'm not sure...he might be 'The One'..."

"Really?!?!?! Oh my god! This is such a major break through for you! I can't believe you have FEELINGS! Well, not that you didn't have any, have them for a GUY!?!"

"I know...but, I's just something that makes me happy to be cared for."


"Hey! Now don't get all cheesy on me. I still hate stuff like that."

She rolls her eyes. "Yeah, we still have a LOT of work, if you're going to be a girly girl now."

"Who said I wanted to be a girly girl?!"

"Maybe CJ would like you more as a girly girl."

"He loves me for who I am, Nicole!"

"Sure." She rolls her eyes again and sighs. "What am I going to do with you."

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