Chap 6

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Soccer Champions Chapter 6

Jess P.O.V

Today is Wednesday, and guess what? I have a game today! Yes! I was on the field, putting on my shin guards and then my cleats. We were playing the same team as before, The Giants. I know, a lame name right? I bet ours was way better, we were The Eliminators, awesome, right?

"Hey, long time no see." Nicole comes over and brings her right cleat. She sits down on the grass besides me and ties her shoe. "Where have you been since you disappeared off the face of the earth?"

"Oh, stop teasing me." I said with a grin. "I've been with CJ if you can believe it."

"Really?! That's fantastic! You finally have a guy. Good for you, I'm happy."

"Yes, really. And how are you and Pierce?"

She blushes and turns away. "We're doing good. He's over there in the stands." She waves and I see Pierce waving like mad back. He looks like a man-in-love. Just like CJ. I sigh. He said he was going to be here, but I had scanned the crowd more than once and I hadn't seen him.

I guess she heard me sigh because she turned back to me, stood up, and placed her hands on her hips. "Are you in love with him?"

"I don't know. I think it's too early to tell."

"Well, promise me one thing, when you finally realize that you are capable of loving someone as they are capable of loving you, tell them. Don't keep them hanging." She opens her arms and gives me a hug. "I think I love Pierce." She whispers.

"I think he loves you too." I looked over her shoulder and saw Pierce heading toward us, I guess he wanted to be the one hugging her instead of me. He placed a finger on his lips and motioned for me to keep hugging her and not to let on he was there.

She pulled back but I hugged her again. "Wait, don't go yet."

"But we're going to be late for the game. It's almost starting." She pulled back a little bit and gave me a funny look.

"Just wait a few seconds..." Come on Pierce, what's taking you so long?!

"Hey, popcorn." I hear that smooth, low voice and turn around. CJ!
"CJ! What took you so long? I've been looking all over." I give him puppy dog eyes and cuddle into his chest.

Grinning, he says, "So you've missed me?" He hugs me and rubs my back.

"Yes. Yes I have, and you should have been here earlier!" I pull back and slap him on the chest.

"Ow, you hurt me." He places a hand on his heart.

I smile a genuine smile. "No I didn't, I didn't even hit you that hard."

"Yes you did." He picks me up and spins me around. "But that's ok."


"Yes. If, you do something for me." He smiles devilishly.

"And what might that be?" I bat my eyelashes at him.

I must have forgotten about Pierce and Nicole when CJ had come, because when I heard someone clear their throat, I jumped and turned around.

"Ahem, my girlfriend and you need to go play now." Pierce announces, and Nicole blushes at the word "girlfriend".

"Okay, bye Jess." He hugs me one last time and whispers so only I can hear. "You have to pay me back later." He winks at me and goes to the stands where he sits down to watch the game.

"Why don't you sit with CJ, Pierce? I have to go. I'll see you after the game." Nicole kisses Pierce and it's his turn to blush.

"Sure, Nic." He kisses her one more time and heads to where CJ is.

"He totally loves you."

"No, he doesn't..." She curls a strand of her hair on her finger.

"I hate when people do that." I guess she was day dreaming, because I startled her.


"I hate when people curl their hair around their finger. It's so weird."

"Whatever. Come on, the game's starting."

We had kick off first. I was center forward, Nicole was left forward, and Kim was right forward. The three best friends were all on the frontline of defense. Since they had picked the side not facing the sun, we had a disadvantage and an advantage. Disadvantage: Sun in our faces. Advantage: We started with the ball.

The ref blew his whistle and I passed the ball to Nicole. She dribbled past one of the girls on the other team and crossed the ball to Kim. "Get open!" She yells. I stand at the top of the goalie box with the last defender and Kim kicks the ball forward to me. I wait until she's kicked it to run after it, otherwise it would be off sides. Racing towards the goal, I glance quickly at the goalie to see her position. By now, the last defender has come back and is putting pressure on me. It's a 2 v 1, the goalie and defender against me. I fake a left and go right drawing the defender out. When I see an opening, I fire the ball and it goes right into the top of the goal. The goalie didn't stand a chance.

My teammates came over and congratulated me, cheering and patting me on the back. "Good job, Jess." One of my teammates told me.

I grinned and smiled back. "Thanks."
The game ended and we won 3-1. I scored one more goal and Kim scored one. After the game, CJ and Pierce came over to Nicole and me. "Hey, great job you guys." Pierce complemented, going over to Nicole and hugging her from behind.

She giggled as he snuggled his head into her shoulder. "Thanks."

"Yeah good job." CJ says as he comes up behind me.

"Thanks." I lean back on CJ, exhausted from the game. "That game was brutal, even if they were easy to beat."

"You guys!" Nicole bursts out of Pierce's grip and jumps up and down excitedly.

"What?" We all act like little kids and jump up and down with her.

"We should totally double-date! I mean, we haven't seen each other in ages, since CJ here has stolen Jess from us, so why don't we go somewhere and catch up!"

"Are you sure?" I had just gotten used to the idea of going on one date and now she wanted to go on a double-date?

"That sounds like a great idea." CJ said, and hugged me closer so I couldn't say anything.


"What did you say?" Pierce stifles a laugh.

"I said, 'Get off me'." I pushed CJ away and acted like I was mad. Crossing my arms, I pouted.

"Aww, come on popcorn. It'll be fun, promise, long as you're there with me." He opens his arms and grins.

I run into his arms once again and say, "You're lucky you're cute. And that was so cheesy of you!"
We all went out to a pasta place last night, a place called Pasta Palace. It was awesome! I had pesto alfredo, yummy. We were sitting in a booth and CJ and me were cuddling, as well as Pierce and Nicole. When we were done, Nicole and Pierce decided to go out to a club. I didn't, too much loud noise and all that junk.

When CJ and I go home, I picked out a Harry Potter movie and sat as far away from CJ as I could. He pouted, I laughed. "Aren't you going to come sit by me?"



"Cause you have cooties."

"I do not!" He protested.

"Yep, you do. And I don't want to get them."

"Fine." He sighs grumpily and puts his hands in his lap, twiddling his fingers.

Throughout the whole movie, CJ was giving me death glares, and motioning for me to come sit by him, but I refused. Finally, when they were showing the Voldemort part, I squealed and ran into CJ's arms.

He closed them and said, "Ah, ah, no, now I get to choose when you get to come back and cuddle.

I gave him puppy dog eyes and pleaded with him, "But Voldemort is scary..." I whimpered to show I was afraid and he just chuckled.
"Fine, I'll let you in, but next time..." He taps my nose and I grab his hand. "Don't do that to me."

He kisses my cheek and opens his arms. Eagerly, I scamper into his arms and cuddle into his chest. "Keep me safe." I warn him.

"Don't worry, nothing will ever hurt you as long as I'm here."

We fell asleep on the couch last night. It was so cute how Jess had pleaded to be in my arms when a few moments earlier she was refusing to. Once again, I realized this girl was the one I wanted to marry, to be with for the rest of my life. If only she would feel the same way.

I woke up and she was still in my arms. I sighed and stroked her forehead. Bending down, I kissed her head and started thinking. I had only kissed her once, and that had been her first kiss. I hoped she liked it, because I loved it, I loved her.

She yawned and stretched out, "Oh, I'm sorry!" She had stretched her fist and hit me in the face.

I laughed, "It's ok. Hey, remember what happened at the soccer game?"

"No, what?" She goes cross-eyed and sticks out her tongue.

"Tsk, tsk, you need to pay me back."

"For what?" She flutters her eyelashes and looks up at me.

"For hitting me super hard." I emphasized the "hard" and look down at her lovingly.

"And what do I have to do?"

"This." I leans down and softly press my lips to hers. They're so soft and luscious. I can't get enough of them. I skim her bottom lip with my tongue but she pulls back. I panic, "What's wrong? Did I hurt you? I'm sorry."

"No, no it's ok. It's just, this is now my second kiss, I think it's going too fast. I'm sorry." She puts her head down and I put a finger on her chin and tilt her head back up.

I kiss her lips quickly. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have rushed you. I just love you so much."

"That's ok. I forgive you. Just...normal kisses for now, okay?"

"Yes, I understand."

Jess P.O.V

That really scared me, how I suddenly felt something slimy and wet on my lip. I had immediately pulled back. He looked so worried, but I assured him I just wasn't ready, and it was only my second kiss. I guess he got ahead of himself.

I stood up and held my hand out, "Come on, I'm hungry." He grabs my hand and stands up.

Looking deep in my eyes, he says, "I really love you, I'll always love you. I'm sorry if I pushed you." He hugs me and pats my head.

"I'm not a cat you know, you don't have to pat my head." I smile into his chest and laugh.

He chuckles, a low, deep sound coming from his throat. "No, you're not a cat. You're my popcorn."

"I'm your popcorn." I smile gently and lean into him, my lips touch his softly.

CJ wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me closer. He pulls away, "I love you."

"Why do you keep telling me that?"

"Because it's true, I do love you."

"Okay, okay."

"JESS!?!?!?!??!" Nicole runs into my house and bursts into tears. She breaks down on the floor and starts shaking.

"Oh my god, what's wrong Nicole?"

"H-h-he cheated on me. W-w-with some blond! I can't believe it!" She sobbed some more and I ran over to her and hugged her close.

She cried on my shoulder and held me there. I made my hand into a fist. "I'm going to kill him for this."

"No, don't it's ok."

"No it's not, Nicole. He deserves whatever punishment I decide to give him."

"Calm down, Jess." CJ comes up behind me and rubs my back. He takes Nicole's hand and leads her to one of the guests rooms, "Come on, you need some rest. We'll deal with this later."

"Thank you..." She says. "I'll go by myself, I need some alone time."

When she had turned the corner and gone into the room, I stared incredulously at CJ. "What?"

"How did you know to do that?"


"From what?"

"My mom. She would come home in tears, that trick always worked."

"Aww....back to the present. I'm going to kill Pierce."

He hugs me. "Calm down, don't do anything rash."

"No. I'm serious. Next time I see that little rat, I am going to KILL him. And even if I don't kill him, once I'm done with him, he's going to WISH he were dead."

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