Chap 8

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Soccer Champions Chapter 8

She hated me. I knew it from the minute I saw her. So, CJ has brought home other girlfriends? Well, we'll just see about this.

"Is that true, CJ?" I put my hands on my hips.

He glared at his mom and looked back at me. "No, it's not, and she knows it. I told her that when I brought a girl home, it would be the first and last time. Because I knew that I loved the girl, I love you."

My heart soared, did a flip and came back, beating wildly in my chest. Why was I feeling like this? He closes in on me and leans in for a kiss. A soft one, full of his love for me. But of course, his mother just had to go and ruin the moment. Grr. "CJ, please think this over. You've never loved a girl before! Are you sure about thi-"

"Mom, I'm as sure as I know my heart beats only for her." My heart did another flip.

"But CJ!"

"No buts mom, I love her, and if you can't accept that, then we're leaving." He turned around and started walking with me in his arms, not his mom. This man really loved me, truly, truly loved me.

"Wait." She sighed. "Come back, if this is the girl who is going to be my future daughter-in-law, I should get to know her."

We both turned around and CJ grinned at his mom. "Thanks."

"You're welcome." She opened her arms for a hug and patted me awkwardly. "Why don't you two come in and have some coffee."

"Great idea." CJ slipped his arm into position and we both walked through the doors arm in arm.


I knew she didn't like Jess when she saw her. I know what you're thinking, ew, he brought other girls home before? No, I never did. I was only going to bring the girl home when I felt like she was the one. And this was it. Jess was the one.

My mom was trying to scare her off. I wasn't sure if she was putting up a nice act, or just actually trying to get to know Jess, but by the time we left, it seemed like she had gotten to know Jess, the Jess I know, and came to love her.

"CJ, dear! Make sure you bring her by soon, I need some company!" She yelled from the door and waved to us.

"Yes mom! We'll see you soon." I waved goodbye one last time as I pulled out of the driveway.

"Personal question CJ, where's you're dad?"

~Third Person P.O.V~

He got quiet all of a sudden, focusing all of his attention on the road and his knuckles turned white. Jess reached for one of his hands and gently took one of them of the steering wheel. He glanced at her with a look of confusion.

"What's wrong?" She said softly. Placing his hand in her, she stroked the top of it, trying to soothe him from whatever was going on.

"My dad, he died of lung cancer a year ago." He kept his view on the road, but found Jess' caressing soothing.

Jess felt tears building up. "I'm so sorry." She whispered. "I lost a grandpa to cancer too, same type."

He pulled into the driveway of her house. "Did you want me to stay over?"

Crying silently to herself, all she could do was nod. She appreciated what CJ did for her, made her feel special, loved, owned, cared for. She never thought she could love someone. She had planned on not getting married, would that plan change?

She slowly climbed out of the car, remembering how she found out about her grandfather passing...


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